Technology Licensing, Cooperative Research
and Development Opportunities

The Office of Intellectual Property and Sponsored Research manages intellectual property assets of Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) and coordinates collaborative development projects between laboratory scientists and industrial partners.

Our mission is to foster commercial development of inventions and discoveries made at BNL. We do this through licensing patented technologies and by facilitating continued research and development of basic scientific findings.


Technologies Available for Licensing

Frequently Asked Questions (pdf)
OIPSR Fact Sheet (pdf)

Click here (pdf) for Dean Connor's presentation from the Starting a Small Business with Technology workshop held on December 8, 2008.

New York State Small Business Development Center
Bernie Ryba
Building 185, Room 20
Additional Information

Notice: Listings on this site should not be construed as an offer to license technology. All technology licenses are subject to negotiation and availability of the intellectual property for licensing. This site is intended for indications of interest only.

Last Modified: May 12, 2009
Please forward all questions about this site to: Christine Brakel