Photos (Click on image to see full-size)

Original caption; Description; Date; Photographer (if known).  Unless otherwise stated all are official U.S. Coast Guard photographs.
A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. "Con Son LORAN Station, Republic of Vietnam, commissioned 2 September 1966."

No date, photographer unknown.

A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. Logo of Coast Guard Explosive Loading Detachment 1; 

(On 17 February 1966, COMUSMACV requested CINPAC ask the Commandant for two Explosives Loading Detachments [ELD], each consisting of one officer and seven enlisted. The ELD’s were to be highly trained in explosives handling, port security and also be able to instruct others in these duties. Commander in Chief, Pacific forwarded the request to JCS and the Chief of Naval Operations requested that the Coast Guard provide them. The two ELD’s were sent, with ELD #1 located at Nha Be and ELD #2 at Cam Ranh Bay; as quoted in Tulich history.)

No official caption; no ID number; no date, photographer unknown.

A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. Coast Guard Explosive Loading Detachment 

No official caption; no ID number; no date, photographer unknown.

A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. Cam Rahn Bay, Coast Guard Explosive Loading Detachment 2

No official caption; no ID number; no date, photographer unknown.

A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. Cam Rahn Bay, Coast Guard Explosive Loading Detachment 2

U.S. Navy photo; no caption; no ID number; no date, photographer unknown.

A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. Coast Guard Explosive Loading Detachment

U. S. Navy Photo; no caption; no ID number; no date, photographer unknown.

A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. Cam Rahn Bay, Coast Guard Explosive Loading Detachment 2

No official caption; no ID number; no date, photographer unknown.

A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. "Scituate, Mass.  November 27. . .Engineman First Class Robert J. Yered receives the Silver Star medal from Rear Admiral William B. Ellis, commander, First Coast Guard District in ceremonies today at the Coast Guard station here.  Engineman Yered distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions on the morning of February 18, 1968, as the safety advisor  to the United States Army Terminal, Cat Lai, Vietnam.  The terminal was attacked by intense enemy  rocket, mortar, and small arms fire.  One of the rocket rounds struck a barge on which there were several hundred tons of mortar ammunition and immediately ignited a fire.  The blazing barge threatened to destroy three other ammunition ships on which there were in excess of fifteen thousand tons of high explosives.  Engineman Yered, without regard for his personal safety, exposed himself to the enemy gunfire as he helped extinguish the fire on the burning barge.  His courageous act averted destruction of the ammunition ship, and the Army Terminal."

No photo number; 27 November 1968; no photographer listed; (gfs).

A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. "HH3E 'Jolly Green' rescue helicopters."

[Coast Guard Exchange Pilots:  In April 1968 three Coast Guard helicopter pilots were assigned to the 37th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron at Da Nang. Pilots were assigned there until November 1972, while their USAF counterparts were assigned to stateside Coast Guard air stations; as quoted in Tulich history.]

No official caption; no ID number; no date, photographer unknown.

A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. "LCDR Mixon inspects chopper prior to take-off."

Photo No. RON-1: 10-12-68-03; 12 October 1968; JO2 Conlon, USCG, photographer.

A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. Lieutenant Jack Rittichier, USCG

No official caption; no ID number; no date, photographer unknown.

A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. "WORKING A BUOY--The Coast Guard Cutter Basswood works a buoy as busy Vietnamese fishermen travel to open sea and their fishing grounds from Vung Tau harbor.  The cutter battled monsoon weather for a 30-day tour to establish and reservice sea aids-to-navigation dotting the 1,000 mile South Vietnamese coastline."
Photo No. VN5-68-8; no date [1968]; JO2 David Jimenez, USCG, photographer.
A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. "USCGC BLACKHAW (WLB-390) at sea--A 2,200-pound Qui Nhon harbor buoy is hoisted aboard to be serviced."

Release No. VN43-70 (1-12); 8 June 1970; JO2 Donn Fry, USCG, photographer.

A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. "TAN MY, Republic of Vietnam--A flashing marker in a cemetery overlooking Tan My harbor entrance is dismantled because a channel shift required its relocation."

Release No. VN43-70 (11-12); 8 June 1970; JO2 Donn Fry, USCG, photographer.  [Blackhaw file, USCG Historian's Office]

A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. USCGC Blackhaw in Vietnam.

No caption; Photo No. 021771-13; 17 February 1971; photographer unknown.  [Blackhaw file, USCG Historian's Office]

A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. USCGC Blackhaw in Vietnam.  In the background is the Vietnamese Navy's HQ-230, an LSSL.  It is the former USS LCS(L)-96.

No caption; Photo No. 021771-28; 17 February 1971; photographer unknown.  [Blackhaw file, USCG Historian's Office]

A photo of the Coast Guard in Vietnam. Coast Guard Vessel and Seaman Services office, US Consulate, Republic of Vietnam

No official caption; no ID number; no date, photographer unknown.





Last Modified 7/24/2008