Sent on March 11, 2008 SAMHSA Health Information Network eNetwork Archives

Focus on Prevention

Focus on Prevention Cover

Abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs is a problem throughout the United States. Yet communities vary greatly in the specific problems they face, the groups affected by those problems, and the events that rouse people to take action. In addition to having different problems and priorities, some communities have more resources and experience with locally based prevention activities than others. Yet, with a "can do" approach and a bit of guidance, any community can have success in preventing substance abuse.

The Resource

SAMHSA has developed this practical guide to successful prevention strategies. Easy-to-read content includes two-page summaries of eleven substance abuse prevention topics and a model timeline for carrying out a prevention activity.

OAS Substance Use Facts (From SAMHSA's Office of Applied Studies):

  • On an average day in 2006, youth used the following substances for the first time: 7,970 drank alcohol for the first time, 4,348 used an illicit drug for the first time, 4,082 smoked cigarettes for the first time, 3,577 used marijuana for the first time, and 2,517 used pain relievers nonmedically for the first time.
  • Youth who used alcohol in the past month drank an average of 4.7 drinks per day on the days they drank and those who smoked cigarettes in the past month smoked an average of 4.6 cigarettes per day on the days they smoked.

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