Sent on November 15, 2007 SAMHSA Health Information Network eNetwork Archives

SAMHSA eNetwork

CMHS RFA: State/Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention Grant

State/Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention Program

Request for Applications (RFA) No. SM-08-001
Posting on November 6, 2007
Receipt date: January 11, 2008
Announcement Type: Initial

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2008 for Cooperative Agreements for State-Sponsored Youth Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention (Short Title: State/Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention Grants).

The purpose of this program is to build on the foundation of prior suicide prevention efforts in order to support states and tribes in developing and implementing statewide or tribal youth suicide prevention and early intervention strategies, grounded in public/private collaboration. Such efforts must involve public/private collaboration among youth-serving institutions and agencies and should include schools, educational institutions, juvenile justice systems, foster care systems, substance abuse and mental health programs, and other child- and youth-supporting organizations.

Download the Complete Announcement No. SM-08-001:

Download RFA in MS Word format   PDF   (408 KB)
Download RFA in Adobe PDF format   PDF   (211 KB)

Act Now
For more information, contact SAMHSA's Health Information Network:
1-800-487-4889 (TDD)
(English and Spanish/
inglés y español)

For questions on program issues, contact
LT Tarsha Wilson, MSW

For questions on grants management, contact Gwendolyn Simpson

Quick Links

Funding Mechanism:

Cooperative Agreement

Anticipated Total Available Funding:

$5 million

Anticipated Number of Awards:


Anticipated Award Amount:


Length of Project Period:

3 years