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Business and Technology Enhancement Opportunities and Partner Links

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The U.S. Small Business Administration reports that small-and-medium-sized businesses account for approximately two-thirds to three-quarters of all new U.S. jobs and represent approximately 99% of all U.S. employers. Yet these companies often are unaware of the wide range of federal resources available to bolster their competitiveness in world markets. BIS and partner agencies offer a variety of innovative programs to assist your firm.

Which program best meets your needs?

The Basics of Exporting

If you are familiar with exporting but need U.S. Government advocacy assistance to close the deal, contact the International Trade Administration's Advocacy Center.

Contact the Trade Information Center in the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC or 1-800-872-8723 for assistance on: referrals and information on all U.S. government export assistance programs; general export counseling; sources of international market research and trade leads; overseas and domestic trade events and activities; sources of export financing; advice on export licenses and controls; and more.  While there, visit the BIS Resource and Reading Room.

North American Technology and
Industrial Base Organization (NATIBO)

NATIBO relationship between the U.S. and Canadian Defense Departments was formally chartered in 1987 to coordinate North American technology and industrial base activities. The NATIBO promotes a cost effective, healthy technology and industrial base that is responsive to the national and economic security needs of the United States and Canada. The NATIBO's Memorandum of Understanding is a vehicle to effectively leverage dollars and resources and reduce redundant efforts through bilateral cooperation on studies and projects related to defense technology and industrial base activity in the U.S. and Canada. To learn more, visit the NATIBO web site.

Dual Use Science & Technology Program

The Department of Defense works with companies on the cutting edge of technology and innovation in the fast-growing commercial sector. Firms, including those that traditionally have not worked with the military, are being invited to participate. This program offers matching funds for development of commercial technologies. Approximately $110 million is available to fund industry proposals. To learn more, visit the Dual Use Science & Technology Program web site.

Technology Transfer Opportunities

Visit TechTRANSIT, your access to Department of Defense technology transfer programs, policies, and resources. This office promotes partnering opportunities between the private sector and defense labs and improved accessibility of technology transfer information and activities.

Visit the DoD Technology Transition Office Programs links page for a list of other technology transfer opportunity web sites.

Partner Links

U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC): AMC develops, buys, and maintains materiel for the Army. AMC does this by working closely with industry, colleges and universities, the sister services and other government agencies to ensure state-of-the-art technology and support are exploited for the defense of the nation. SIES and AMC have entered into an agreement to jointly analyze and make recommendations to improve the health and competitiveness of the Army's industrial base. To learn more about the AMC, visit their Web site.

U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Carderock Division: NSWC Carderock division provides research, development, test & evaluation, fleet support, in-service engineering, and test ranges for surface and undersea vehicle Hull, Mechanical and Electric (HM&E) systems, and propulsors, provide logistics R&D; and provide support to the Maritime Administration and the Maritime Industry. SIES and Carderock are conducting multiple assessments of the U.S. maritime industry. To learn more about NSWC Carderock, visit their Web site.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL): Lawrence Livermore's mission is to apply science and technology in the national interest, with a focus on global security, global ecology, and bioscience. Laboratory employees are working with industrial and academic partners to increase national economic competitiveness and improve science education. SIES and Lawrence Livermore work together on a variety of technology and industrial base issues. To learn more about Lawrence Livermore Nation Laboatory, visit their Web site.

U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Indian Head Division: NSWC Indian Head provides primary technical capability in energetics for all warfare centers through: engineering, fleet and operational support, manufacturing technology, limited production, industrial base support, and secondary technical through research, development, test and evaluation for: energetic materials, ordinance, devices and components, and related ordinance engineering standards to include: chemicals, propellants and their propulsion systems, explosives, pyrotechnics, warheads, and simulators.

NSWC Indian Head also provides support including special weapons support, explosive safety and ordinance environmental support to all warefare centers, military departments, and the ordnance industry. SIES and NSWC Indian Head have jointly conducted three assessments. One assessment was on the High-Performance Explosives and Explosive Component Industry, and the other two were on the Cartridge and Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD) Industry. To learn more about NSWC Indian Head, visit their Web site.

Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC): The Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC) was organized in 1974 and formally chartered by the Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986 to promote and to strengthen technology transfer nationwide. Today, more than 600 major federal laboratories and centers and their parent departments and agencies are FLC members. The Consortium creates an environment that adds value to and supports the technology transfer efforts of its members and potential partners.

The FLC develops and tests transfer methods, addresses barriers to the process, provides training, highlights grass-roots transfer efforts, and emphasizes national initiatives where technology transfer has a role. For the public and private sector, the FLC brings laboratories together with potential users of government-deployed technologies. SIES and the FLC work together to bring our technology from federal labs and put it into the hands of the U.S. industry. To learn more about the Federal Laboratory Consortium, visit their Web site.

National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR): NIDRR, an organization within the Department of Education, conducts comprehensive and coordinated programs of research and related activities to maximize the full inclusion, social integration, employment, and independent living of disabled individuals of all ages. Balanced between the scientific and consumer communities, NIDRR plays a unique role in federally funded research activities. In addition, NIDRR's work helps to more fully integrate disability research into the mainstream of our nation's policies regarding science and technology, health care, and economics. SIES worked closely with NIDRR to complete an extensive study of Assistive Technologies and contiues to work with NIDRR on potentially related issues. To learn more about the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, visit their Web site.

Air Force Independent Research and Development Program Office: Located at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), the Air Force IR&D Program Office helps communicate the Air Force's technology requirement to industry, academia, and other government agencies. The IR&D Program Office helps them focus R&D efforts on Air Force infrastructure, weapon systems and other needs. SIES and the Air Force IR&D Program Office recently entered into an agreement to study and develop a process to involve small- and medium-sized companies to solving DOD warfighter problems. To learn more about the Air Force Independent Research and Development Program Office, visit their Web site.

Government - Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP): The Government - Industry Data Exchange Program is a cooperative effort to exchange research, development, design, testing, acquisition and logistics information among government and industry participants relative to Department of Defense parts and materials. GIDEP seeks to reduce or eliminate resource expenditures of time and money to improve the total quality of systems and components during the acquisition and logistics phases of the life cycle. The GIDEP database contains five major areas: engineering data; product information; failure experience data; reliability-maintainability data; and metrology data. To learn more about GIDEP, visit their Web site.

TACOM, the U.S. Army's Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command, headquartered in Warren, Michigan, in partnership with the Army's Program Executive Offices, is one of the Army's largest weapon systems research, development, and sustainment organizations. Its mission is to provide and sustain mobility, lethality, and survivability for soldiers, other services, and our Allies through ground combat, automotive, marine and armaments technologies. SIES has an ongoing relationship with TACOM to conduct assessments of its industrial base sectors. To learn more about TACOM, visit their Web site.

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