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Fact Sheet:
Dual-Use Export Control Initiative

The United States must ensure that the dual-use export control system adapts to address the evolving economic and national security challenges of today.  To enhance the focus of the dual-use export control system, BIS is taking the following actions:

Foreign End-Users:  Facilitate trade to reliable foreign customers, while denying access to sensitive technologies to proliferators, international terrorists, and other foreign parties acting contrary to U.S. national security and foreign policy interests. 

The focus on foreign end-users includes the Validated End User (VEU) and Intra-Company License Exception programs for reliable and affiliated foreign companies, and imposing additional scrutiny of exports to foreign parties with a record of activities contrary to U.S. foreign policy and national security interests through expansion of the Department of Commerce’s Entity List.

U.S. Competitiveness: Technological and economic competitiveness are key to the U.S.’s long- term national security.  As such, the United States needs to ensure that export controls are constantly reassessed to ensure that the most sensitive items are controlled to sustain U.S. economic competitiveness and innovation.   

The focus on U.S. competitiveness includes developing a regular process for systematic review of the list of controlled dual-use items (the Commerce Control List (CCL)), revised controls on encryption products, and a review of reexport controls.

Transparency:  U.S. exporters need sufficient information to support U.S. security and competitiveness goals. 

The focus on transparency includes publication of advisory opinions on the Department of Commerce’s website, as well as lists of foreign parties warranting higher scrutiny.



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