Requests are now being accepted for routine use of small aircraft, like this Cessna 206, in FY 2008-2010 at the Southern Great Plains site.
Requests are now being accepted for routine use of small aircraft, like this Cessna 206, in FY 2008-2010 at the Southern Great Plains site.

Note: The request for proposals is now closed. The call for proposals for FY 2011 will open in the late fall. Preproposals are now being accepted for scientific research at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility (ACRF) for FY 2008-2010 projects that require the routine use of small aircraft at the Southern Great Plains (SGP) field site. DOE has previously leased a Cessna 206 for collecting aerosol and carbon cycle gas measurements in the immediate vicinity of the SGP approximately three times per week. This lease will expire soon, unless there is a successful proposal for continued use of this aircraft. Proposals should focus on scientific issues that improve understanding of the interactions between clouds and atmospheric radiative fluxes and have the potential to lead to improved climate models. The due date for preproposals is February 15, 2008.

Preproposals should be submitted online using the field campaign form at A small number of full proposals may be invited, and they will be due on April 1, 2008. For more information on ACRF field campaigns, see the planning document at To be invited to submit a full proposal, the principal investigator should demonstrate in the preproposal that research funding for their effort has already been secured or that a proposal to a funding agency has already been submitted. ACRF supports facility use and logistical considerations, but does not support research effort, travel, or per diem. The principal investigator is expected to contribute substantially to the instrument integration costs.