The Study of Aerosol Indirect Effects in China was anchored by the ARM Mobile Facility in Shouxian and included an additional instrumented site to the east at Lake Taihu and two instrumented sites to the north.  All data collected by the ARM Mobile Facility in Shouxian are now publicly available at the Data Archive.  In addition, data collected at the northern Zhangye site are in the process of being transmitted to the External Data Center for final formatting and should be available at the Archive by the end of this week.

At this time, data acquired at Taihu by ACRF instruments and by in-country researcher instruments cannot be made public. In addition, limited airborne pollution and cloud measurements data obtained from flights made by in-country researchers cannot be made public at this time.  However, the Taihu and aircraft data may be distributed to researchers by individual request and approval.  To acquire these data, please contact the study’s principal investigator, Dr. Zhanqing Li ( and copy the ACRF Operations Manager Doug Sisterson (  Dr. Li will assist with data request approvals.