New scientific journal available (ISSN 1942-2466, DOI 10.3894).
New scientific journal available (ISSN 1942-2466, DOI 10.3894).

A new international, open-access, scientific journal, the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES), is now accepting submissions for its inaugural 2008 volume.  Reporting on all aspects of Earth system modeling, this journal showcases leading-edge research in atmospheric and oceanic circulations on multiple scales, radiation, cloud physics, boundary layer and land surface processes, biosphere and cryosphere, biogeochemical cycles, and the development of numerical methods for Earth science. High standards of formal peer review is maintained, while providing authors the option to participate in a forum of open discussion at the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems Discussion (JAMES-D). Submissions of original research that advances the state of the science of climate modeling and numerical weather predition can be made through the JAMES-D website.