A Boy Scout checks out the ACRF North Slope of Alaska kiosk at WeatherFest.
A Boy Scout checks out the ACRF North Slope of Alaska kiosk at WeatherFest.

On January 29, the ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF) Education and Outreach Program participated in the 5th Annual WeatherFest in Atlanta, Georgia. WeatherFest is the public science fair that kicks off the American Meteorological Society (AMS) annual activities. During the four-hour event, the ACRF Education and Outreach booth received a number of visitors inquiring about the online ACRF Education Center, checking out the North Slope of Alaska kiosk, and picking up lesson plans. In addition, more than 400 climate change activity and coloring books were handed out to teachers and students. The book is available for download on the ACRF Education Center website.