Diamond Fork System Mitigation
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Selection Marker ImageMore About Diamond Fork
Selection Marker ImageDiamond Fork Mitigation
Selection Marker ImageDiamond Fork Area Assessment
Selection Marker ImageDiamond Fork Campground
Selection Marker ImageDiamond Fork Water Quality and Flow Study
Selection Marker ImageDiamond Fork Photo Gallery
Diamond Fork System Overview Map

CUP's Diamond Fork Water Delivery System conveys water, diverted from the Uinta Basin and stored in Strawberry Reservoir, to the Wasatch Front. It delivers water to Utah Lake for the Municipal and Industrial system water exchange and for irrigation in the Spanish Fork area, and for the Strawberry Valley Project, which was constructed in the early 1900's. The Diamond Fork System receives water from Strawberry Reservoir through Syar Tunnel. The Syar Tunnel replaced a smaller and much older Strawberry Tunnel, which empties into Sixth Water Creek farther upstream.

A major feature of the new Diamond Fork System is to eliminate destructively high flows of water discharged from Syar Tunnel into Sixth Water, and subsequently Diamond Fork Creek, by conveying most of the water through the newly constructed Diamond Fork Pipeline and through the Upper Diamond Fork Tunnel, which the Central Utah Water Conservancy District completed in 2004. Ultimately, water flows released into Diamond Fork will be managed at levels allowing restoration of instream and riparian habitat from the outlet of the old Strawberry Tunnel down to the Spanish Fork River. [For more information about the Diamond Fork System, click here to link to Central Utah Water Conservancy District's Diamond Fork Project page.]

In addition to restoring aquatic and riparian habitat in Diamond Fork and Sixth Water, the Commission is responsible for implementing mitigation commitments identified in Diamond Fork System environmental decision documents issued in 1999. A value-engineering review of those documents identified several minor modifications that would reduce environmental impacts and construction costs. The Commission, Central Utah Water Conservancy District, and Department of the Interior prepared an environmental assessment to evaluate impacts of these modifications.

A decision was made in August 2000 to adopt the environmental assessment’s proposed modifications. The Commission’s environmental commitments include monitoring Ute-ladies’ tresses over the next several years [Click here to download the Diamond Fork and Sixth Water Creeks Riparian Vegetation and Ute Ladies'-tresses 2008 Monitoring Report (pdf 5MB)] and supporting development and implementation of the June Sucker Recovery Implementation Program. These commitments track closely with those associated with the Utah Lake Drainage Basin Water Delivery System, which, when completed, will continue to carry the flows out of Diamond Fork, from the confluence with the Spanish Fork River, through a pipeline to Utah Lake.

Finally, monitoring stream channel responses to altered flow regimes following completion of the Diamond Fork System is a key mitigation commitment. The Commission has initiated a long-term monitoring project, in conjunction with State and Federal agencies, to assess existing geomorphic and ecologic conditions, monitor stream channel response to the altered flow regime, and address aquatic and riparian habitat restoration objectives. A final 2007 Monitoring Report describes the long-term monitoring project and documents the results of the first three years of monitoring for the initial 3-year program. [Click here to download the 2007 Monitoring Report (pdf 4,344 K)] A 2006 Monitoring Report is also available that documents results of the first two years of monitoring.

Email Link to the Utah Reclamation Mitigation Conservation Commission, urmcc@uc.usbr.govAddress for Utah Reclamation Mitigation Conservation Commission, 230 South 500 East, Suite 230, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102-2045, (801)524-3146, Fax (801)524-3148