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Medicaid Transformation Grants


Medicaid Transformation Grants

Section 6081 of the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) authorizes new grant funds to States for the adoption of innovative methods to improve effectiveness and efficiency in providing medical assistance under Medicaid. Through the use of the Transformation Grants, States can work with CMS to create programs that are more aligned with today's Medicaid populations and health care environment.

Since January 2007 through two rounds of competitive solicitations, $150 million has been awarded to the Medicaid Agencies in 35 States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

In the Downloads Section below, there is:

- A short Fact Sheet on the Medicaid Transformation Grants

- A Status Brief on the Health Information Technology-focused Medicaid Transformation Grants, updated as of Jan. 2009; and

 - An Early Lessons Learned Brief from the Health Information Technology-focused Medicaid Transformation Grants, as of Jan. 2009.To view additional grant awards information, select the navigation bar to the left labeled "2007 Awards."


Guidance for Medicaid Transformation Grantees [ZIP, 363 KB]

Fact Sheet on the Medicaid Transformation Grants [PDF, 51KB]

Jan. 2009 Status Brief on the HIT-focused Medicaid Transformation Grants [PDF, 22KB]

Early Lessons Learned from the HIT-focused Medicaid Transformation Grants [PDF, 33KB]
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Related Links Outside CMSExternal Linking Policy
Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (see page 111 for Medicaid Transformation Grants)



Page Last Modified: 07/27/2009 10:57:55 AM
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