NEA Partners

Research Division "ERIC" List for Numbered Reports

Report Number


ERIC Number


Employment and Unemployment of Artists: 1970-1975 (32pp)

ED 125416


To Survey American Crafts: A Planning Study (32pp)

ED 298067


Understanding the Employment of Actors (36pp)

ED 298068


Arts and Cultural Programs on Radio and Television (92pp)

ED 165205


Where Artists Live: 1970 (80pp)

ED 298069


Economic Impact of Arts and Cultural Institutions: A Model for Assessment and a Case Study in Baltimore (96pp)

ED 298070


Minorities and Women in the Arts: 1979 (32pp)

ED 289753


The State Arts Agencies in 1974: All Present and Accounted For (160pp)

ED 298071


Audience Studies of the Performing Arts and Museums: A Critical Review (106pp)

ED 163553


Selected Characteristics of Artists: 1970 (32pp)

ED 165216


Conditions and Needs of the Professional American Theatre (132pp)

ED 286786


Artists Compared by Age, Sex, and Earnings in 1970 and 1976 (56pp)

ED 281821


Craft Artist Membership Organizations 1978 (52pp)

ED 286789


Audience Development: An Examination of Selected Analysis and Prediction Techniques Applied to Symphony and Theatre Attendance in Four Southern cities (48pp)

ED 283754


Economic Impact of Arts and Cultural Institutions (104pp)

ED 283753


Artist Employment and Unemployment: 1971-1980 (44pp)

ED 282810


The Arts Public In the South (64pp)

ED 286785


Visual Artists in Houston, Minneapolis, Washington, and San Francisco: Earnings and Exhibition Opportunities (48pp)

ED 287754


Where Artists Live 1980 (48pp)

ED 288757


Managers of the Arts (89pp)

ED 289766


Socialization and Participation in the Arts (54pp)

ED 312199


Who Reads Literature? (112pp)

ED 324633


The Audience for American Art Museums (60pp)

ED 351242


Expanding the Audience for the Performing Arts (56pp)

ED 351243


Race, Ethnicity, and Participation in the Arts (290pp)

ED 293759


Summary Report: 12 Local Surveys of Public Participation in the Arts (161pp)

ED 362452


Arts Participation in America: 1982 - 1992 (126pp)

ED 378105


Dancemakers (94pp)

ED 379243


Trends in Artist Occupations: 1970-1990 (111pp)

ED 408202


A Practical Guide to Arts Participation Research (97pp)

ED 404283


Jazz in America: Who's Listening? (77pp)

ED 390755


American Participation in Opera and Musical Theater 1992 (117pp)

ED 406266


Turning On and Turning In, Public Participation in the Arts via Media in the United States (108pp)

ED 406267


Age and Arts Participation with a Focus on the Baby Boom Cohort (153pp)

ED 410186


American Participation in Theater (57pp)

ED 406306


Effects of Arts Education on Participation in the Arts (85pp)

ED 409259


Artists in the Work Force: Employment and Earnings, 1970-1990 (152pp)

ED 408487


The Changing Faces of Tradition: A Report on the Folk and Traditional Arts in the United States (96 pp.)

ED 411195