Attachment 4 to CPM 99-1
June 15, 1999
African Development Foundation | Constance Smith-Field | (202) 673-3916 |
Agriculture | Susan Fonte | (202) 720-8417 |
Air Force | Phil Seneschal | (703) 695-7384 |
American Battle Monuments Commission | Theodore Gloukhoff | (703) 696-6908 |
Architect of the Capitol | Ronald Wolz | (202) 226-2536 |
Architectural and Trans. Barriers Compliance Board | Tonya Johnston | (202) 272-5434 Ext. 56 |
Army | Jim Tingwald | (703) 325-5011 |
Commerce | Vickie Brooks | (202) 482-3827 |
Commission on Civils Rights | Myra Hernandez | (202) 376-8364 |
Commission on Fine Arts | Leslie Ondek | (202) 504-2200 |
Committee for Purchase from the Blind and Other Severely Handicapped | Connie Corley | (703) 603-7740 |
Commodity Futures Trading Commission | Eric Oleson | (202) 418-0512 |
Consumer Product Safety Commission | Jackie Taylor | (301) 504-0100 |
Corporation for National Service | Jerry Gallun | (202) 606-5000 ext. 313 |
Council of Economic Advisers | Avelino Rodriguez | (202) 395-1088 |
Council on Environmental Quality | Avelino Rodriguez | (202) 395-1088 |
Defense- Government | Craig Jerabek | (703) 696-1742 |
Defense Commissary Agency | Bill Zeiner | (804) 734-8587 |
Defense Contract Audit Agency | Dave Hanegraaf | (703) 767-1032 |
Defense Information Systems Agency | Fran Garman | (703) 607-4427 |
Defense Logistics Agency | Linda Beal | (614) 692-5973 |
Defense Nuclear Agency | Dee Papa | (703) 325-7593 |
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board | Susan Dickerson | (202) 208-6411 |
Defense Security Service | Lynn Kasch | (410) 865-2210 |
Education | John Allen | (202) 401-3136 |
Energy | Bruce Murray | (202) 586-3372 |
Environmental Protection Agency | Ken Henderson | (202) 260-3350 |
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission | Jeanne Crowe | (202) 663-4348 |
Export-Import Bank | Dennis Heins | (202) 565-3323 |
Federal Communications Commission | Michele Sutton | (202) 418-0137 |
Federal Election Commission | Scott McBride | (202) 219-4290 |
Federal Emergency Management Agency | Anita Washington | (202) 646-4089 |
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | Janet Dubbert | (202) 219-2966 |
Federal Housing Finance Board | David Lee | (202) 408-2514 |
Federal Labor Relations Authority | Tina Zabitchuck | (202) 482-6690 ext. 445 |
Federal Maritime Commission | Robert Winfree | (202) 523-5773 |
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service | Cherly Lauer | (202) 606-5460 |
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission | Lisa Boyd | (202) 653-5615 |
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board | Leonard B. Sese | (202) 942-1690 |
Federal Trade Commission | Catherine McCoy | (202) 326-2358 |
General Services Administration | Carl Toner | (202) 501-1580 |
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation | Judy Reed | (202) 395-7433 |
Health and Human Services | Don Krigbaum | (202) 690-8071 |
Housing and Urban Development | Barbara Henson | (202) 708-0614 ext. 3113 |
Institute of Museum Services | Linda Bell | (202) 606-8536 |
Inter-American Foundation | Shirley Hutton | (703) 841-3866 |
Interior | Nancy Barnett | (202) 208-7949 |
Justice | John Cahill | (202) 514-6778 |
Labor | Janet Paslawski | (202) 219-6532 |
Library of Congress | Don Ware | (202) 707-6934 |
Merit Systems Protection Board | Sheyla White | (202) 653-5916 |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration | JoAnne Mueller | (202) 358-1202 |
National Archives & Records Administration | Fran Brooks | (301) 713-6760 ext. 258 |
National Capital Planning Commission | Teresa Jackson | (202) 482-7213 |
National Commission on Libraries and Information Sciences | Judy Russell | (202) 606-9200 |
National Endowment for the Arts | Leon Williams | (202) 682-5473 |
National Endowment for the Humanities | Sandy Adams | (202) 606-8415 |
National Gallery of Art | Terry Snyder | (202) 842-6288 |
National Labor Relations Board | Anthony Wonkovich | (202) 273-3980 |
National Mediation Board | June King | (202) 523-5402 |
National Science Foundation | Pam Harpe | (703) 306-1185 ext. 3025 |
National Security Council | Avelino Rodriguez | (202) 395-1088 |
National Transportation Safety Board | Bernard Moffett | (202) 382-6751 |
Navy | Chuck Van Stone | (703) 696-0485 |
Occupational Safety & Health Review Commission | R. Christine McKenzie | (202) 606-5390 |
Office of Administration of the Executive Office of the President | Avelino Rodriguez | (202) 395-1088 |
Office of Government Ethics | Sharon Blank | (202) 208-8000 ext. 1126 |
Office of Management and Budget | Avelino Rodriguez | (202) 395-1088 |
Office of National Drug and Control Policy | Avelino Rodriguez | (202) 395-1088 |
Office of Personnel Management | Janet Cope | (202) 606-1318 |
Office of Science and Technology Policy | Avelino Rodriguez | (202) 395-1088 |
Office of Special Counsel | Marie Glover | (202) 653-8964 |
Office of U.S. Trade Representative | Avelino Rodriguez | (202) 395-1088 |
Overseas Private Investment Corporation | Stephanie Wrightson | (202) 336-8531 |
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation | Stephanie Russell | (202) 326-4110 ext. 3597 |
Railroad Retirement Board | Tom Powers | (312) 751-4558 |
Securities & Exchange Commission | Gina Basile | (202) 942-4072 |
Selective Service System | Cheryl McMillan | (703) 605-4051 |
Small Business Administration | Erma Gaines | (202) 205-6197 |
Smithsonian | J.B. Weilepp | (202) 287-3097 |
Social Security Administration | Nancy Koerner | (410) 965-6657 |
State | Adam Kaufman | (202) 647-6134 |
Transportation | Jan Karicher | (202) 366-9450 |
Treasury | Anne Carlucci | (202) 622-2855 |
U.S. Agency for International Development | Michelle Walker | (202) 712-5579 |
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council | Susan Greenhouse | (202) 488-0488 |
U.S. Information Agency | Jeni Mallios | (202) 619-4656 |
U.S. International Trade Commission | Michael Hillier | (202) 205-2651 |
U.S. Soldiers & Airmen's Home | Mark Joy | (202) 722-3209 |
U.S. Tax Courts | Vincent Natale | (202) 606-8724 |
Veterans Affairs | Marie Favicchio | (202) 273-9804 |
Page created 15 June 1999