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Nuclear and Environmental Processes

George F. Vandegrift
phone: 630/252-4513, fax: 630/972 4513, e-mail:

  • PhD, Inorganic Chemistry, Iowa State University
  • Separation processes for radioisotope production, radioactive waste treatment, and industrial applications
  • Development of processes for treating spent nuclear fuel in support of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership
  • Development of technology to convert Mo-99 production from high-enriched uranium to low-enriched uranium as part of the Global Threat Reduction Initiative

Heavy Element and Separations Science

Lynda Soderholm, Group Leader
phone: 630/252-4364, fax: 630/252-4225,

Mark R. Antonio, Inorganic Chemist
phone: 630/252-9267, fax: 630/252-4225, e-mail:

  • PhD, Inorganic Chemistry, Michigan State University
  • Materials synthesis, including actinide and lanthanide solution chemistry
  • Polyoxometalate science
  • Electroanalytical chemistry
  • Synchrotron radiation research
  • Structured fluids in separations science

Renato Chiarizia, Inorganic Chemist
phone: 630/252-3652, fax: 630/252-7501, e-mail:

  • Doctor Degree, Inorganic-Physical Chemistry, University of Rome, Italy
  • Separations science
  • Biphasic chemical equilibria with particular emphasis on solvent extraction and ion exchange
  • Separation of actinides from nuclear waste
  • Separation of metal ions of hydrometallurgical interest
  • Separations using supported liquid membranes
  • Extraction chromatography

Mark P. Jensen, Inorganic Chemist
phone: 630/252-3670, fax: 630/252-7501, e-mail:

  • PhD, Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, The Florida State University
  • Actinide and lanthanide solution chemistry
  • Biochemistry of synthetic elements
  • Solution thermodynamics
  • Metal ion separations

Guokui Liu, Solid State Physicist
phone: 630/252-4630, fax: 630/252-4225, e-mail:

  • PhD, Solid State Physics and Laser Spectroscopy, Montana State University
  • Electronic structure and crystal-field theory of lanthanides and actinides in crystals
  • Excited state dynamics and ion-lattice interaction, energy transfer and phonon relaxation
  • Photophysics and laser spectroscopy
  • Luminescent materials, characterization and theoretical modeling

Paul G. Rickert, Analytical Chemist
phone: 630/252-3525, e-mail:

  • MA, Analytical Chemistry/Environmental Science, Governors State University
  • Organic synthesis
  • Synthesis and study of ionic liquid-polyoxometalate hybrids
  • Synthesis and study of ionic liquids pertaining to separation science

Suntharalimgam Skanthakumar, Physicist
phone: 630/252-1754, fax: 630/252-4225,

Ilya (Eli) A. Shkrob, Physical Chemist
phone: 630/252-9516, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemical Physics, Institute for Chemical Physics, Moscow, Russia
  • Radiation, photo- and radical chemistry
  • Separations and nuclear forensics
  • Fast and ultrafast laser and x-ray spectroscopy
  • Magnetic resonance and spin effects
  • Supercritical, ionic liquids and green chemistry
  • Nanotechnology

Richard E. Wilson, Chemist
phone: 630/252/1288, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley
  • Aqueous actinide chemistry
  • Synthesis and study of transuranium complexes and clusters
  • Reactivity of cluster complexes in solution

Yuexiao Pan
phone: 630/252-3649, fax: 630/252-4225, e-mail:

  • Synthesis, processing, and characterization of advanced inorganic functional materials
  • Study of self-assembly and nanofabrication of nanosized units, and mechanism of nanocrystal growth and luminescence dynamic

Interfacial Processes

Paul Fenter, Physicist and Group Leader
phone: 630/252-7053, fax: 630/252-9570, e-mail:

  • PhD, Physics, University of Pennsylvania
  • Interfacial science
  • Interfacial geochemistry (mineral / fluid interfaces)
  • Phase-sensitive interfacial x-ray scattering

Changyong Park, Materials Scientist
phone: 630-252-9133, e-mail:

  • PhD, Materials Sciences, Tohoku University Japan
  • Hydration and ion adsorption at mineral / water interfaces
  • Electrical double layer properties on single-crystal surfaces
  • In-situ probe of mineral / fluid interfacial processes
  • Novel application of synchrotron radiation x-rays for geosciences

Sang Soo Lee, Geochemist
phone: 630/252-6679, fax: 630/252-9570, e-mail:

  • PhD, Geochemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Heavy metal contamination and remediation
  • Mineral / organic interactions in natural aqueous systems
  • Ion-exchange and swelling of clay minerals
  • Application of synchrotron-based techniques

Process Chemistry and Engineering

Monica Regalbuto, Department Head
phone: 630/252-1540, fax: 630/972-4495,

Separations Science and Technology

Allen Bakel, Group Leader
phone: 630/252-9825, fax: 630/972-4417,

Artemis (Art) Guelis
phone: 630/252-6057, fax: 630/972-4522,

John F. Krebs, Chemist
phone: 630/252-7548, fax: 630/972-4486, e-mail:

  • PhD, Inorganic Chemistry, Kansas State University
  • Modeling and simulation of reprocessing facilities
  • Bench scale tests of spent fuel reprocessing technology
  • Modeling and simulation of solvent extraction processes

Argentina Leyva
phone: 630/252-1483, fax: 630/972-4512,

Dominique C. Stepinski, Chemist
Phone: 630-252-3087, fax 630-252-5246, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemistry, Loyola University
  • Design of liquid-liquid extraction systems for actinide and fission product separations
  • Nuclear fuel and target dissolution
  • Chemical processes for large-scale industrial applications
  • Development of radioisotope separation chromatographic systems
  • Modeling of fission product separation processes
  • Synthesis of metal chelating ligands for metal separations

Kurt Alford, Technician
phone: 630/252-7297,

Lohman D. Hafenrichter, Technician
Phone 630/252-5282, fax 630/972-4472, e-mail

  • US Navy Nuclear Power Program graduate
  • CAVE operator and repairman
  • MBA custodian
  • Precious metals custodian

Kevin Quigley
phone: 630/252-3607, fax: 630/252-4390,

John Falkenberg, Technician
phone: 630/252-4301,

Spent Fuel Programs

James C. Cunnane, Nuclear Chemist and Group Leader
phone: 630/252-4541; fax 630/252-5246;

  • PhD, Nuclear Chemistry, Purdue University
  • Waste form testing
  • Investigate waste materials degradation and radionuclide release processes
  • Long-term performance assessment of waste form materials
  • Waste form development

William L. Ebert, Chemist
phone: 630/252-6103, fax 630/972-4456, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemistry, Northwestern University
  • Nuclear waste material formulation, testing, and modeling
  • Test method development and standardization

Jeffrey A. Fortner, Physicist
phone: 630/252-5594, fax: 630/972-4438, e-mail:

  • PhD, Physics, Penn State University
  • Nuclear waste form development, characterization, and testing
  • Electron microscopy of nuclear/radioactive materials
  • Spent nuclear fuel characterization
  • Synchrotron x-ray studies

James L. Jerden Jr., Geochemist
phone: 630/252-6497, fax: 630/252-5246, e-mail:

  • PhD, Geochemistry, Virginia Tech
  • Thermodynamic/kinetic reaction path and speciation modeling
  • Radioactive waste form corrosion/dissolution testing
  • In-situ remediation of environmental sites contaminated with metals and radionuclides
  • Natural analogue studies
  • Soil chemistry and environmental mineralogy

Process Simulation and Equipment Design

Candido Pereira, Chemical Engineer and Group Leader
phone: 630/252-9832, fax: 630/972-4448, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
  • Aqueous separations
  • Solvent extraction and ion exchange
  • Process modeling and design
  • Spent nuclear fuel processing
  • High-level waste treatment

Jacqueline M. Copple, Computer Scientist
phone: 630/252-4555, fax 630/972-4555, e-mail,

  • MS, Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Modeling and simulation (UREX+ process for recovering key radionuclides from commercial spent nuclear fuel)

Andrew Hebden, Engineer Specialist
phone: 630/252-5634, fax: 630/252-9917, e-mail:

  • BS, Chemical Engineering, Iowa State University
  • Spent nuclear fuel reprocessing
  • Process monitoring for reprocessing safeguards
  • Non-proliferation-based research: medical isotope production

Laura E. Maggos
phone: 630/252-4701, e-mail:

  • BS, Chemistry, University of Chicago
  • Aqueous separations (UREX+)
  • Solvent extraction modeling

Kent  E. Wardle, Nuclear Engineer
phone: 630/252-4638, e-mail:

  • PhD Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • BS Chemical Engineering, Brigham Young University
  • Simulation of solvent extraction processes
  • Centrifugal contactor simulation for design
  • Computational fluid dynamics
  • Molecular dynamics simulations

Nuclear Technology

Mark A. Williamson, Physical Chemist and Department Head
phone: 630/252-9627, fax: 630/252-5246, e-mail:

  • PhD, Physical Chemistry, University of Kansas
  • Advanced nuclear fuel cycles
  • Pyrochemical process research and development
  • Actinide thermodynamics and inorganic chemistry
  • High-temperature chemistry

Pyroprocess Development Group

James L. Willit, Physical Chemist and Group Leader
Phone: 630/252-4384, fax 630/972-4416, e-mail:

  • PhD, Physical Chemistry, North Carolina State University
  • Molten salt electrochemistry
  • High-temperature actinide chemistry
  • Electrochemical separations chemistry
  • Pyroprocess development

Robert J. Blaskovitz, Engineering Specialist
phone: 630/252-4441, fax: 630/972-4421,

Javier Figueroa, Chemical Engineer
phone: 630/252-4248, fax 630/52-9917, e-mail:

  • MS, Chemical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Pyroprocessing technology
  • Plant modeling

Advanced Materials and Processing Group

Mark A. Williamson, Physical Chemist and Acting Group Leader
phone: 630/252-9627, fax: 630/252-5246, e-mail:

  • PhD, Physical Chemistry, University of Kansas
  • Advanced nuclear fuel cycles
  • Pyrochemical process research and development
  • Actinide thermodynamics and inorganic chemistry
  • High-temperature chemistry

Laurel A. Barnes, Chemist
Phone: 630/252-3359, fax: 630/252-9917, email:

  • MS, Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Molten salt electrochemistry
  • Electrochemical separations
  • Anode materials development

Leonard Leibowitz, Physical Chemist
phone: 630-252-4333, fax 630-972-4466, e-mail

  • PhD, Physical Chemistry, New York University
  • High-temperature thermophysical properties
  • Nuclear reactor materials studies
  • Actinide alloy phase diagrams

Christine Snyder
phone: 630/252-4743, fax: 630/972-4449,

Mailing Address for Nuclear and Environmental Processes Staff

Chemical Sciences Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL  60439  USA

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Nuclear and Environmental  Processes Staff by Group

Research and Development

Contact Information

U.S. Department of Energy The University of Chicago Office of Science - Department of Energy
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