Columbia Environmental Research Center

Biochemistry / Physiology
National Geographic films Biochemistry Branch on the Missouri RiverThe Biochemistry/Physiology Branch conducts basic and applied research at the cellular, organ, organism, and population levels in fish and wildlife. Emphasis is on the sublethal effects of chemicals that lead to behavioral, developmental and population changes that may ultimately influence ecosystem health.

Research focus includes reproductive, developmental and neurotoxic effects of stressors. Scientists develop and use molecular, genomic, biochemical and histological analyses to evaluate mechanisms of toxicity, and conduct forensic field investigations.

Current studies in the Biochemistry/Physiology Branch include the use of DNA microarray technology to study endocrine disruptor mechanisms of action, mechanisms of intersex development in adult fish, definition of gene expression profiles for contaminants with diverse modes of action, effects of thiamine deficiency on early life stage mortality in salmonines, and effects of methylmercury on reproduction.

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