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<% ' set news id varaible for stored procedure vToxID = escape(REQUEST.QUERYSTRING("toxid")) %> <% ' Open a connection to the database and assign it to a variable that we can reference later when we need to connect to the DB. Set ToxConn = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" ) 'SQL Server Connection ' DEV SERVER ' Use this connection for content reading only 'ToxConn.Open "provider=SQLOLEDB;server=SQD-CON4\QSRV1;database=CCEHIP_WEBCONTENT;uid=ContentReader;pwd=Tw/Gy9O=tNDFxSZt%Sv" ' PROD SERVER ToxConn.Open = "provider=SQLOLEDB;server=SQP-CON4,1433;database=CCEHIP_WEBCONTENT;uid=ContentReader;pwd=Cre@CCE1Wc" 'Access Database Connection 'NewsConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="& Server.MapPath("/news/media/Data/RSSFeedDatabase.mdb") &"" 'Create recordset to hold data. This is the object that we will be manipulating later Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set rsMain = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set rsres = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set rsLKUP1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set rsLKUP2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set rsresCat = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set rsresCatFltr = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") %> <% ' ==================================================== ' Modified by: Andy Bedford ' Date: 07/9/2007 ' Reason: Removed the select statement from code and added stored procedure for security reasons. ' usp_ToxSubstance_Main - used to get detailed information about a specific tox substance dim sSql dim vToxID if isnumeric(vToxID) then ' set sSql to stored procedure name. If using parameters, separate with commas ' if string or date parameters, enclose in single quotes, else no quotes needed sSql = "usp_ToxSubstance_MainPage " & vToxID ' execute sql call Set rs = ToxConn.Execute(sSql) ' ==================================================== 'Do While Not rs.EOF dim strcname, strdesc, strcasid, strcasid2, strlinkMap,strEname strEname=rs.fields("tox_show_emergency_name") strcname=rs.fields("tox_chemname") strdesc=rs.fields("tox_description") strLinkMap=rs.fields("tox_Link_webmaps") strShowEmergency=rs.fields("tox_show_emergency") strShowCampaigns=rs.fields("tox_show_campaigns") strcasid=rs.fields("tox_CASID") strcasid2=rs.fields("tox_CASID2") IF rs.fields("tox_show_entry") = "no" then response.Redirect ("index.asp") ELSE %> <%if rs.fields("tox_Link_webmaps") = "yes" then if rs.fields("tox_CASID") <> "" or not isnull(rs.fields("tox_CASID")) then%> <% end if end if %>
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<% ' ==================================================== ' Modified by: Andy Bedford ' Date: 07/9/2007 ' Reason: Removed the select statement from code and added stored procedure for security reasons. ' usp_ToxSubstance_Category - used to get unique values for category ' set sSqlCat to stored procedure name. If using parameters, separate with commas ' if string or date parameters, enclose in single quotes, else no quotes needed sSqlCat = "usp_ToxSubstance_MainPage_Category '" & vToxID &"' " ' execute sql call Set rsresCat = ToxConn.Execute(sSqlCat) ' ==================================================== Do While Not rsresCat.EOF vResCat = rsresCat.fields("res_category") strCatTitle = vResCat & " Resources for" %>
<% rsresCat.MoveNext Loop end if 'close recordset - Substance 'rs.Close 'Close the recordset - Resources 'rsres.Close END IF %> <% ' used to make sure no single quotes are allowed in querystring Function escape(input) input = Replace(input,"<|","") input = Replace(input,">|","") input = Replace(input,"'","") input = Replace(input," ","") input = Replace(input,"!","") input = Replace(input,"@","") input = Replace(input,"#","") input = Replace(input,"$","") input = Replace(input,"^","") input = Replace(input,"&","") input = Replace(input,"*","") input = Replace(input,"(","") input = Replace(input,")","") input = Replace(input,"+","") input = Replace(input,"=","") input = Replace(input,"_","") input = Replace(input,"%","") input = Replace(input,"/","") input = Replace(input,"\","") input = Replace(input,"|","") input = Replace(input,"{","") input = Replace(input,"}","") input = Replace(input,"[","") input = Replace(input,"]","") input = Replace(input,"?","") input = Replace(input,":","") input = Replace(input,";","") input = Replace(input,"~","") input = Replace(input,"`","") input = Replace(input,">","") input = Replace(input,"<","") input = Replace(input,".","") input = Replace(input,",","") escape = input End Function %>
Contact Us:
  • Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
    4770 Buford Hwy NE
    Atlanta, GA 30341
  • (800) 232-4636
    TTY: (888) 232-6348
    24 Hours/Every Day
  • The U.S. Government's Official Web PortalDepartment of Health and Human Services
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 4770 Buford Hwy NE, Atlanta, GA 30341
Contact CDC: 800-232-4636 / TTY: 888-232-6348

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