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Brief summaries of significant accomplishments and activities in the infrastructure area of the ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF) are provided on a bimonthly basis.

President of the Regional Government Speaks at Opening Ceremony for Mobile Facility in the Azores
Jul 31, 2009
On June 30, officials from the Regional Government of the Azores recognized the deployment of the ARM Mobile Facility on Graciosa Island during an official opening ceremony held at the site. Notable among the participants was Carlos César, President of the Regional Government of the Azores, and several other government officials. Media outlets for [...]
African Collaborators Continue Data Analyses from Niamey
Jul 31, 2009
In 2006, the ARM Mobile Facility was deployed to Niamey, Africa, for the RADAGAST campaign as part of the ongoing African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) study. To further the data analyses from this deployment and identify additional areas for future study, researchers from the University of Niamey are now teaming with the site scientist team [...]
ARM Aerial Facility Leads International Discussions on Aircraft Research
Jun 30, 2009
The vast majority of global geoscience aircraft are operated by the agencies within the Interagency Coordinating Committee for Airborne Geosciences Research and Applications (ICCAGRA) and the European Fleet for Airborne Research (EUFAR). In May, the first joint meeting between these two entities was held in Stresa, Italy, to reach an understanding of how each group [...]
Severe Storms the Focus of VORTEX
Jun 15, 2009
Severe thunderstorms tend to grab headlines due to the chaos they can cause, but from an environmental standpoint they represent a basic contribution to the water supply. This is especially true in the central United States where they occur most frequently. As Earth’s climate changes, researchers question the degree to which severe thunderstorms and tornadoes—and [...]