ASC Image Library

Unclassified images used in ASC publications. Click a thumbnail image to open the full-size image with caption. NOTE: Some images are very large and will take several minutes to load at slower connection speeds.

Wire Array Parallel Volume Rendering of Fire Parallel Volume Rendering of Fire NIF facility and simulation Viscoplastic chart Z-pinch Powerwall Isothermal Compression Deformation NIF facility and simulation LANL gas simulation SNL Drop impact experiment and simulation chart of VNV process ASC timeline Caltech simulation Stanford U simulation (turbine) Univ of Utah simulation (fire) Univ of Illinois simulation(rocket booster) Univ of Chicago simulation DSMC Simulation DSMC Simulation Molecular Simulation Tantlum solidification Shock tube compression of Aluminum with Helium bubbles shock tube simulation Helium Bubbles simulation NIF Laser Bay NIF Ignition capsule Predictive capability circle graphic Atmosphere simulation asteroid explosion Jet simulation blast simulation Fire simulation PIM Red Storm Lightning computing platform BlueGene/L Blue Gene Simulation QMD Verification process ParaView simulation Imploding spherical shell Cray compute module Expanding tube fragmentation Rage simulation of Richtmeyer-Meshkov instability teravoxel image NIF laser beamsz pinchCross section mesh AF&F progression nuclear weapon life cycle purchases noh shock wave mold filling simulation hmx series Copper simulation RAVE ASCI White dedication Flash code strain solid turbine heptane fire titan VIEWS corridor SCC TSF JCEL DISL Missile launch Zapotec animation series ASC Program Elements SCC Interior ASCI Management in D.C., Mar 2002 Milestones Lifecycle of NW Penetrator NW Life Extension Program JEEP calculation Telluride 1Telluride 2 NIF Simulation Simulation Development Environment Pathforward DVC Red Blue mtn Blue Pac White Metropolis center (SCC) TSF JCEL DISL ribbons Contact fuse 1 Contact fuse 2