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ASC @ Sandia

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ASC Program Director
James Peery
(505) 845-9490

ASC Communications
Reeta Garber

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ASC Management

ASC Focus Areas

Software Quality Engineering (SQE)

UQ V&V Seminar Series

Integrated Codes

Legacy Codes

This product is the maintenance and requisite limited enhancements of the suite of legacy and related support codes historically used for the design of primaries and secondaries. Legacy codes serve as established tools for nuclear weapons simulation, with well-understood capabilities and limitations for stockpile stewardship applications. They serve as reference points for the assessment of new codes, models, and algorithms. For designers, they represent a link to the era of active nuclear weapon design and testing, and thus provide well-calibrated reference simulations and serve as standards for evaluating the effectiveness of new simulation tools.

Modern, Multiphysics Codes

Engineering Codes

Focused Research Innovation and Collaboration

Emerging and Specialized Codes

