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Department of Health & Human Services
Administration for Children and Families

Program Office:

Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)

Funding Opportunity Title:

Standing Announcement for Unaccompanied Alien Children

Announcement Type:


Funding Opportunity Number:


CFDA Number:


Due Date for Applications:



This is a Modification to the Standing Announcement for Unaccompanied Alien Children Program Announcement, HHS-2008-ACF-ORR-ZU-0119, published to the ACF Grant Opportunities webpage on 02/15/2008. The modification announces the implementation of the ACF-OGM-SF-PPR, Performance Progress Report.


One of the functions of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) Division of Unaccompanied Children's Services (DUCS) is to provide temporary shelter care and other related services to children in ORR custody. Shelter care services will be provided for the period beginning when DUCS accepts the child for placement and custody and ending when the child is released from custody, a final disposition of the child's immigration case results in removal of the child from the United States, or the child turns 18 years of age. Shelter care and other child welfare related services in a State-licensed residential shelter care program will be provided in the least restrictive setting appropriate to the Unaccompanied Alien Children's (UAC) age and special needs. While the majority of UAC remain in care for an average of 55 days, some will stay for shorter or longer periods of time.

This announcement provides the opportunity to fund providers for basic shelter and/or group homes, staff secure, secure and more specialized types of care. There are two priority areas for funding and applicants can apply to both priority areas under separate applications.

Modification to the published announcement:

Please delete the following under Section VI.3 Award Administration Information/Reporting Requirements in Priority Area 1 and in Priority Area 2 of this Funding Opportunity.

“Grantees will be required to submit program progress and financial reports (SF-269 found at: throughout the project period. Program progress and financial reports are due 30 days after the reporting period. Final programmatic and financial reports are due 90 days after the close of the project period.

Final reports may be submitted in hard copy to the Grants Management Office Contact listed in Section VII of this announcement.

Program Progress Reports:  Quarterly
Financial Reports: Quarterly”

Please replace the deleted language under Section VI.3 Award Administration Information/Reporting Requirements in Priority Area 1 and in Priority Area 2 of this Funding Opportunity with the following:

“Grantees will be required to submit performance progress and financial reports periodically throughout the project period. Frequency of reporting is listed later in this section.

Beginning with FY 2009 awards, most ACF grantees will begin using the a Standard Form (SF) for required performance progress reporting (PPR). The SF-PPR is a standard government-wide performance progress reporting format consisting of a series of forms implemented by Federal agencies to collect performance information from award recipients. Most ACF grantees will begin using the standard format implemented through ACF's Office of Grants Management (OGM), entitled the "ACF-OGM-SF-PPR." Use of the ACF-OGM-SF-PPR will begin for new awards and continuation awards made by ACF in FY 2009. At a minimum, grantees will be required to submit the ACF-OGM-SF-PPR, which consists of the ACF-OGM-SF-PPR Coversheet and the ACF-OGM-SF-PPR Appendix B Program Indicators.

ACF Programs that utilize other SF-PPR reporting formats, or other reporting forms or formats that differ from the new ACF-OGM-SF-PPR, have listed those forms or formats below. Grant award documents will inform grantees of the appropriate performance progress report form or format to use beginning in FY 2009.

Grantees will continue to use the Financial Status Report (FSR) SF-269 (long form) for required financial reporting.

The SF-269 (long form) and the ACF-OGM-SF-PPR may be found at Grantees should consult their award documents to determine the appropriate performance progress report format required under their award.

Performance progress and financial reports are due 30 days after the end of the reporting period. Final program performance and financial reports are due 90 days after the close of the project period.

Final reports may be submitted in hard copy to the Grants Management Office Contact listed in Section VII. of this announcement.

Program Progress Reports:  Quarterly
Financial Reports: Quarterly”

All information in this modification is accurate and replaces information specified in the 02/15/2008 Program Announcement


To access this Program Announcement please go to the ACF Grant Opportunities webpage at or to

For further information, please contact Jallyn Sualog at (202) 401-4997 or





Date:                01/13/2009

David H. Siegel
Acting Director
Office of Refugee Resettlement

Posted on January 22, 2009