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Press Releases '03-'04

Ambassador Garza Hosts Amigos de las Américas

62 volunteers complete six weeks of service in Oaxaca

Mexico City

“I’m proud of these young people who have volunteered to live and serve in rural communities away from their country and families,” said U.S. Ambassador Tony Garza. “They have opened their hearts and minds to new experiences and offered their hands for hard work. These young leaders will carry back indelible memories of Mexico and share them with others. In this way we forge new ties between our two nations.”

On Sunday evening Ambassador Garza hosted 62 young adults who completed six weeks of volunteer work in the State of Oaxaca under the sponsorship of the organization Amigos de las Américas (AMIGOS). The Executive Director of AMIGOS, Emily Untermeyer, and various corporate and community leaders also attended the reception.

Working in collaboration with the Sistema Nacional para el Desarollo Integral de la Familia (DIF), the Secretariat of Health in Oaxaca, and other local community groups, the American volunteers learned to appreciate local customs while living with host families in 19 Oaxacan communities. Volunteers in the Youth-to-Youth Community Development program collaborated with the Secretariat of Health and regional community development agencies to promote leadership skills, self-esteem and the health of children and young people.

“We are very proud of our 25-year history in Mexico and very appreciative of the friendship and support we receive from dozens of communities in Oaxaca, Michoacán, and Guanajuato,” said Untermeyer. “Our hope is to create opportunities for Mexico City youth to become AMIGOS volunteers so they can obtain the excellent leadership development and service opportunities AMIGOS offers.”

Founded in Houston, Texas in 1965, AMIGOS is an international, nonprofit organization, whose mission is to build partnerships to empower young leaders, advance community development, and strengthen multi-cultural understanding in the Americas. AMIGOS has created opportunities for more than 20,000 high school and college-age students to explore their potential through rigorous training programs and community service opportunities in Latin America. AMIGOS currently has three projects in Mexico located in Michoacán, Guanajuato, and Oaxaca.

For high-resolution photos of this event, please contact the press office.

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