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The Mayors' Institute on City Design®

Panoramic view of a small town with a field in the foreground and mountains in the background.  The steeple of a church is visible above the roofs and the tops of the trees.

Photo: Jeff Speck

Of all the programs sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts, perhaps none has had as profound a physical impact as the Mayors' Institute on City Design.  Since its creation twenty years ago, the Institute has graduated more than 650 mayors, many of whom have used what they learned at the Institute to dramatically transform their communities.

Since its inception, the Institute has consistently followed the same format:  eight mayors and eight design experts dedicate two-and-a-half days to solving individual case studies brought by the mayors.  Each mayor typically presents his or her city's most critical urban design challenge and, as the cases are discussed, general principles evolve out of specific problems.

The specific results of this program can now be documented, and they include cities reconnected to their waterfronts, highways replaced by tree-lined boulevards, and new civic buildings well located and beautifully designed.  More information can be found in a downloadable document located at .

The Mayors' Institute on City Design (MICD) is a partnership of the National Endowment for the Arts, the American Architectural Foundation, and the United State Conference of Mayors.  Additional funding has been provided by the Edward W. Rose III Family Fund of the Dallas Foundation.

For more information on the Institute, please visit

The Mayors' Institute on City Design is a registered trademark of the National Endowment for the Arts.

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News Releases

3.5.08 - Mayor's Institute on City Design Offers Alumni Post-Institute Assistance

10.2.07 - Edward W. Rose Family Fund Gift