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The Governor's Institute On Community Design™

Panoramic view of a small town with a field in the foreground and mountains in the background.  The steeple of a church is visible above the roofs and the tops of the trees.

Photo: Jeff Speck.

Begun in 2005, the  Governors' Institute on Community Design is a new NEA leadership initiative intended to help governors practice good community design and innovative planning.  Created in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Institute offers workshops pairing governors and their cabinet secretaries with top planning experts to help state leadership make informed choices as they shape the future of their communities.  

The Governors' Institute on Community design is administered by the Smart Growth Leadership Institute, in partnership with the National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education at the University of Maryland.  Two former governors, Christine Todd Whitman of New Jersey and Parris N. Glendening of Maryland, have agreed to spearhead the effort, joined by former governor Angus King of Maine, who will also be participating in Institute workshops.  All three former governors worked on community design and planning issues during their terms in office.

The idea of the Governors' Institute grew out of the success of the NEA’s Mayors' Institute on City Design, and the understanding that local governments and communities often suffer or benefit from decisions that have been made above them at the state level.  The Institute will encourage states to adopt plans and policies that preserve open space, limit suburban sprawl, and coordinate land-use and transportation planning.

For more information, please see

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