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Office of Refugee Resettlement   Advanced

Unanticipated Arrivals

Program Goal

To provide services to arriving refugees or sudden and unexpected large secondary migration of refugees where communities are not sufficiently prepared in terms of linguistic or culturally appropriate services.

General Background

This program has been in existence since the early 1990’s and provides resettlement services to newly arrived refugees or secondary migrant refugees (refugees who have traveled from their initial resettlement site/State and secondarily migrated to another site/State).

Program Description

The purpose and objectives of this program are to provide additional resources to communities where the refugee services are insufficient. Funding is intended to enhance the allocation of social services within the State, due to the immediacy of arrivals and their need for services. Allowable activities are social services for refugees that are appropriate and accessible in language and culture. Services provided include case management, health and mental health services, English as a Second Language, job placement/employment, life skills workshops, nutrition education, education program for mothers of pre-school children, after school programs, orientation, interpretation and translation.

Eligible Applicants

Public and private non-profit organizations, faith-based organizations and community organizations that meet the statutory eligibility requirements.

Target Population

Recently Arrived Refugees and Secondary Migrant Refugees

Geographic Areas

Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Wisconsin, Washington

2008 Supplemental Services Grantees

Arab Community Center for Economic & Social Services MI                $350,000
Association for the Advancement of Hmong in MN                            $200,000
Catholic Charities Maine ME                                                         $350,000
Catholic Family Service, Inc. TX                                                   $272,537
Chicago Public Schools District #299 IL                                          $250,000
DeKalb County Board of Health GA                                                $220,000
Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County GA                          $150,000
International Institute of Metropolitan St. Louis MO                         $150,000
International Rescue Committee AZ                                              $240,031
International Rescue Committee CA                                              $113,502
International Rescue Committee MD                                              $229,034
Jewish Family Service of Seattle WA                                             $293,419
Lutheran Children & Family Services in SEPA PA                               $125,000
Lutheran Social Services of CO                                                    $297,448
Lutheran Social Services of WI and Upper MI                                  $109,901
Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees, Inc. NY                      $192,226
Refugee Resettlement & Immigration Services of Atlanta GA               $200,000
RESOURCE, Inc. MN                                                                    $200,000
St. Joseph Community Health Foundation IN                                    $300,000
US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants MI                                $150,000


Applicable forms for grant application submission can be found at this web address:


Technical assistance providers
Web address:

Funding Opportunities (Program Announcement)

Contact Information

Sue Benjamin
Project Officer
Office of Refugee Resettlement
Administration for Children and Families
901 D Street, SW
Washington, DC 20447
Phone: 202.401.4851
Fax: 202.401.5487