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NIH Data Center Documentation

  • Hosted Unix User's Guide
    The Hosted Unix User's Guide provides an overview of Unix Hosting Services, CIT’s Unix-based environment for application hosting.
  • Interface
    CIT’s newsletter Interface, published both online and in hardcopy, features information concerning CIT services and facilities provided by CIT to NIH and other government agencies. Interface also reports on updates concerning changes in CIT policies and standards of service, and significant changes made to hardware and software on various platforms at the NIH Data Center.
  • Publications, Documentation and Software
    View, print or order publications from CIT.
  • Titan News
    Titan News is the primary means CIT uses to communicate with users of Titan (z/OS). This online-only newletter distributes timely information about events, equipment and software upgrades, technical information and other issues.
  • Titan User’s Guide
    The Titan User’s Guide is the major resource for the mainframe z/OS-based Titan system and is especially useful for new users and account officials.

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This page last reviewed: July 05, 2007