State Regulations for Illinois

Health Requirements Reguarding the Importation of Animals
For more information on current regulations please contact:

Illinois Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Animal Health and Welfare
State Fairgrounds P.O. Box 19281
Springfield, Illinois 62794 9281

Phone: (217) 782 4944
Fax: (217) 558-6033
(217) 524-7702

A. Relation to Federal Requirements:

Livestock imports must meet Illinois requirements and be in compliance with Federal interstate regulations. All livestock entering Illinois, and consignments to Illinois auction markets, federally approved markets, and recognized slaughtering establishments shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection and/or permit (refer to section on specific species for permit requirements). Certificates and/or entry permit shall at all times during transit be in the possession of the transportation agency and available for inspection upon demand. No animal affected with or exposed to any infectious, contagious, or communicable disease shall be moved into Illinois, except such shipments as are approved by the USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, for interstate movement to recognized slaughtering establishments for immediate slaughter.

B. Certificates of Veterinary Inspection:

Prior approval of interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection is NOT required for shipment into Illinois.

All veterinarians issuing Certificates of Veterinary Inspection for livestock including equine, bovine, porcine, caprine, ovine, and cervidae transported into Illinois from any state with a confirmed diagnosis of vesicular stomatitis must include the following statement on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection: "Vesicular stomatitis has not been diagnosed on the premises of origin within the past thirty days. I have examined the premises of origin and have found no signs of vesicular stomatitis."

All livestock (cattle, bison, swine, equine, llamas, alpacas, sheep, goats, cervids) moving into Illinois shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued by an accredited veterinarian, EXCEPT

  1. Livestock consigned direct to slaughter
  2. Cattle consigned to approved stockyards or federally approved markets.

C. Entry Permits:

All animals (cattle, bison, swine, equine, llamas, alpacas, sheep, goats, cervids, poultry) entering Illinois for the purpose of livestock production or exhibition must be accompanied by an entry permit from the Department. All exotic or non-domestic animals entering Illinois must be accompanied by an entry permit from the Department. An entry permit for dogs, cats, and slaughter animals entering on a slaughter consignment form is not required

Telephone number for permits, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays:
(217)782 4944.

Applicants for permits shall furnish the following information to the Illinois Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Health:

Cattle and Bison

Number of cattle and bison entering Illinois and whether they are heifers, cows, bulls or steers; Name and address of consignor; AND name and complete post office assigned mailing address of Illinois consignee.


Number of swine in shipment; name and address of consignor; AND name and complete post office assigned mailing address of Illinois consignee; pseudorabies vaccination status of the animals.


Number of cervidae in shipment; name and address of consignor; number of years herd of origin has been enrolled in a CWD monitoring program; individual animal identification; AND name and complete post office assigned mailing address of Illinois consignee.

Poultry and Ratites

Number of birds in shipment; name and address of consignor; AND name and complete post office assigned mailing address of Illinois consignee.

Sheep and Goats

Number of sheep or goats in shipment; name and address of consignor; AND name and complete post office assigned mailing address of Illinois consignee.


Number of equine in shipment; name and address of consignor; AND name and complete post office assigned mailing address of Illinois consignee or location of show or exhibition.

Llamas or Alpacas

Number of animals in shipment; name and address of consignor; and name and complete post office assigned mailing address of Illinois consignee.
Exotic and Non-Domestic Animals

Number of animals in shipment; name and address of consignor; and name and complete post office assigned mailing address of Illinois consignee.

Entry Requirements

***CATTLE ***

Dairy and Breeding Cattle


Female under 6 months of age and bulls under 18 months of age no brucellosis test required.

Females r 6 months of age and over and males 18 months of age and over accompanied by, and identified on, a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection certifying to one of the following:

  1. Cattle originated from a certified brucellosis free herd. Certified herd number and date of herd test shall be shown on certificate.
  2. Female cattle officially vaccinated for brucellosis and under 24 months of age for beef breeds and bison and 20 months of age for dairy breeds.
  3. Negative to a brucellosis test within 30 days prior to entry. Brucellosis test shall have been conducted at a State or Federal laboratory; plate, tube or card test acceptable.
  4. Cattle originated from a Class Free state.


  1. Feeding or grazing cattle of beef breeds from non accredited tuberculosis free states under 6 months of age are required to have either an official Certificate of veterinary Inspection or a permit from the Department. Animals 18 months of age and older are required to have both a CVI and a permit.
  2. Female cattle of the beef breeds 18 months of age and over from non accredited tuberculosis free states entering for feeding or grazing purposes must originate from a herd where a complete negative herd test has been conducted within the past 12 months, and the individual animals must have an individual negative tuberculin test conducted within 30 days prior to entry.
  3. All breeding cattle entering Illinois from Accredited Tuberculosis Free States shall be accompanied by an entry permit issued by the Department and an official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued by an accredited veterinarian. No tuberculin test is required for breeding cattle originating from Accredited Tuberculosis Free States. Breeding cattle entering Illinois from a state that is not Tuberculosis Accredited Free shall be accompanied by an official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued by an accredited veterinarian showing:
a) Cattle are individually identified by ear tag number, tattoo number or registration name and number;
b) Cattle originated from a herd where a complete negative herd test was conducted within the past year and the individual animals entering Illinois were negative to two tuberculin tests conducted within 180 and 30 days prior to entry.

Feeding and Grazing Cattle:

A. All feeding and grazing cattle entering Illinois must be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection and an entry permit issued by the Department.

B. Females from non class free states 18 months of age and older must be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, be negative to a brucellosis test within 30 days prior to entry, OR be officially calfhood vaccinated and under 24 months of age for beef breeds and 20 months of age for dairy breeds.

Other Named Diseases all classes of cattle


No cattle infected with or exposed to bluetongue, and no cattle from an area under quarantine because of bluetongue, may be transported or moved into Illinois.

Johne’s Disease

No Johne’s disease culture positive animals may be moved into Illinois, except for immediate slaughter or medical treatment.

Vesicular Stomatitis

All veterinarians issuing Certificates of Veterinary Inspection for livestock including equine, bovine, porcine, caprine, ovine, and cervidae transported into Illinois from any state with a confirmed diagnosis of vesicular stomatitis must include the following statement on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection: "Vesicular stomatitis has not been diagnosed on the premises of origin within the past thirty days. I have examined the premises of origin and have found no signs of vesicular stomatitis."

Cattle or Bison for Immediate Slaughter

A. Cattle for immediate slaughter accompanied by a consignment certificate and consigned to a recognized slaughtering center may be shipped into Illinois without brucellosis test or official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. Such cattle shall not be diverted en route and shall be held under quarantine until slaughtered within 10 days of entry.

B. Cattle consigned for immediate slaughter not consigned to a recognized slaughtering center may be shipped into Illinois without brucellosis test if they are accompanied by an official certificate of veterinary inspection OR a special entry permit issued by the Bureau of Animal Health. Such cattle shall be held in quarantine and slaughtered within 10 days of entry.

Other Movements

A. There are no registered quarantined feedlots in Illinois.

B. Shipments to public stockyards, recognized slaughtering centers, and Federal approved markets shall be accompanied by a consignment certificate.

C. All unvaccinated dairy or breeding heifers 6 months of age and older or bulls 18 months of age and older moving through an out of state auction market or marketing center must be accompanied by an entry permit issued by the Department and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection showing a negative test for brucellosis within 30 days prior to entry, regardless of state or herd status. Official brucellosis calfhood vaccinates do not need to be tested until they are 24 months of age for beef breeds and 20 months of age for dairy breeds.

Exhibition, Fairs and Shows

Exhibition requirements are distributed annually to state animal health officials and are published in the livestock premium books of the Illinois State Fair and county fairs in Illinois.


All equidae more than 12 months of age entering Illinois for any reason other than immediate slaughter shall be accompanied by an entry permit issued by the Department and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued by an accredited veterinarian of the state of origin within 30 days prior to entry and shall be negative to an official test for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) within one year prior to entry.

Equidae entering the State for immediate slaughter shall be accompanied by a consignment direct to slaughter at an approved equine slaughtering establishment.

All test procedures for EIA that are approved by the U. S. Department of Agriculture are acceptable.

Vesicular stomatitis

All veterinarians issuing Certificates of Veterinary Inspection for livestock including equine, bovine, porcine, caprine, ovine, and cervidae transported into Illinois from any state with a confirmed diagnosis of vesicular stomatitis must include the following statement on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection: "Vesicular stomatitis has not been diagnosed on the premises of origin within the past thirty days. I have examined the premises of origin and have found no signs of vesicular stomatitis."

*** SWINE ***

General Requirements

A. All feeder and breeding swine shall be accompanied by an entry permit issued by the Department and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection showing ear tag number or other approved, official identification.

B. An entry permit, in addition to Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, is required for the entry of all swine for feeding and breeding purposes, or for slaughter swine from pseudorabies Stage II states. Entry permits may be obtained by calling (217)782¬4944 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

C. Applicant for permit shall furnish the following information to the Illinois Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Health and Welfare:

Number of swine in shipment; name and address of consignor; AND name and complete post office assigned mailing address of Illinois consignee; pseudorabies vaccination status.

Swine for Feeding Purposes

A. Accompanied by an entry permit and Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, and identified by approved, official ear tag in right ear or site tattoo. All eartags or tattoos shall indicate the state of origin of the swine.

B. Swine shall be held under 21 day quarantine after arrival on owner's premises.

C. Swine must originate from a Stage III state from a qualified pseudorabies negative or a QNV herd that is conducting monthly monitoring tests, or from a herd where a 95/10 test of the breeding herd, or of the feeder swine if the breeding swine are not on the same premises as the feeder swine, within 30 days prior to shipment into Illinois OR originate from a state that has been classified as Stage IV, or V or a country that meets Stage V requirements under the Pseudorabies Eradication State Federal Industry Standards (Illinois does not recognize split state status, and recognizes only the lower status for the state).

Breeding Swine

A. Accompanied by an entry permit issued by the Department and Certificate of Veterinary Inspection and identified thereon by eartag, breed registry tattoo, or ear notch approved by the respective breed registry.

B. If 4 months of age or over, must originate from a validated brucellosis free herd, with validated herd number and last validation date listed on the health certificate, or be negative to a brucellosis test conducted within 30 days prior to entry (test to be conducted by an official State or Federal laboratory), OR originate from a validated brucellosis free area.

C. Originate from a qualified pseudorabies negative herd, OR Qualified negative gene deleted pseudorabies vaccinated herd if originating from a Stage III state, with the qualified herd number and last qualification date listed on the health certificate OR be negative to an official test for pseudorabies conducted within 15 days prior to entry (test to be conducted by an official State or Federal laboratory), OR originate from a country that meets the requirements for Stage V or from a state that has been classified as Stage IV or Stage V under the Pseudorabies Eradication State Federal Industry Program Standards. For states that are split Stage II/III or below, Illinois does not recognize split state status, and recognizes only the lower status for the state.

D. A percentage of breeding swine entering Illinois shall be retested and negative for pseudorabies not less than 21 nor more than 90 days after entry. The percentage is for 35 or less animals 10 or all, whichever is less, shall be tested. For 36 or more animals, 30 or 30 percent, whichever is less, will be tested. Swine originating from Stage V country and swine originating from Stage IV and Stage V states are not subject to retest.

Slaughter Swine

Animals from infected or exposed herds may be shipped into Illinois only upon permit from the Department and shall move, directly to a recognized slaughter establishment. The vehicles transporting infected or exposed swine are not allowed to pick up additional animals in Illinois until the official seal has been officially broken at the slaughter facility and the infected swine unloaded. Swine originating from any quarantined herd must be shipped in a sealed vehicle and accompanied by a shipping permit VS Form 1 27. Permits to import slaughter swine from Stage II States or infected or exposed herds shall be issued by telephoning or writing the Department.

Pig Shows/Sales Stage II or III States

"Pig show/sales" means events where feeder swine are commingled and sold with the intent of the swine being used for exhibition purposes.

All feeder swine from a Stage III State moving through or entering Illinois from pig shows/sales must originate from a qualified pseudorabies negative herd, a qualified negative vaccinated herd, or a herd where a 95/10 test of the breeding herd was conducted within 30 days of shipment. Feeder swine from a Stage II state will not be allowed at or to enter Illinois from pig show/sales.

Exhibition Swine

Swine of any age entering Illinois for exhibition purposes other than through show/pig sales must be identified by an approved, official ear tag, tattoo or recognized breed ear notch, and accompanied by a permit from the Department and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. The Certificate of Veterinary Inspection shall show that the exhibition swine are free from visible evidence of any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease or exposure thereto; show that the exhibition swine are not from a quarantined herd and/or area; show that the swine originated from a Stage III, IV or V state are negative to an official test for pseudorabies conducted within the past 30 days prior to entry; OR that the swine originated from a qualified pseudorabies negative herd in a Stage III, IV or V state, and the qualified pseudorabies negative herd number and date of last qualification test is listed on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection.
Breeding swine, 4 months of age and older, to be negative to an official test for brucellosis within 30 days prior to exhibition; OR that the swine originated from a validated brucellosis free herd with the herd number and date of last validation test listed on the heath certificate; or the swine originated from a validated brucellosis free state.

Feral Swine

Feral swine may enter Illinois for any reason provided they are accompanied by a permit issued by the Department and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. All feral swine that enter Illinois must be individually identified and that identification listed on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. All feral swine must be negative to an official test for pseudorabies and brucellosis within 30 days prior to entry.

Swine consigned for slaughter shall be accompanied by a consignment certificate.

Vesicular stomatitis

All veterinarians issuing Certificates of Veterinary Inspection for livestock including equine, bovine, porcine, caprine, ovine, and cervidae transported into Illinois from any state with a confirmed diagnosis of vesicular stomatitis must include the following statement on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection: "Vesicular stomatitis has not been diagnosed on the premises of origin within the past thirty days. I have examined the premises of origin and have found no signs of vesicular stomatitis."

Exhibition, Fairs and Shows:

Exhibition requirements are distributed annually to state animal health officials and are published in the livestock premium books of the Illinois State Fair and county fairs held in Illinois.

*** SHEEP ***

Feeding and Breeding Sheep: Unless consigned to auction markets shall be accompanied by an entry permit issued by the Department and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection within 30 days prior to entry showing sheep to be free from infectious or communicable diseases and showing individual approved, official identification.
Any sheep which show lesions of contagious ecthyma (sore mouth) or club lamb fungus disease (sheep ringworm) shall not be exhibited in the state and must be removed immediately from the exhibition area.


No sheep which are known to be from an infected or source flock and no progeny of sheep known to be from an infected our source flock shall be transported or moved into Illinois except direct to slaughter.


No sheep infected with or exposed to bluetongue, and no sheep from an area under quarantine because of bluetongue, may be transported or moved into Illinois.

Vesicular stomatitis

All veterinarians issuing Certificates of Veterinary Inspection for livestock including equine, bovine, porcine, caprine, ovine, and cervidae transported into Illinois from any state with a confirmed diagnosis of vesicular stomatitis must include the following statement on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection: "Vesicular stomatitis has not been diagnosed on the premises of origin within the past thirty days. I have examined the premises of origin and have found no signs of vesicular stomatitis."

Exhibitions, Fairs and Shows

Exhibition requirements are distributed annually to state animal health officials and are published in the livestock premium books of the Illinois State Fair and county fairs held in Illinois.

*** GOATS ***

Goats entering Illinois for breeding, exhibition or feeding purposes, except goats consigned directly to a livestock auction market, shall be accompanied by an entry permit issued by the Department and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection showing individual approved identification. The Certificate of Veterinary Inspection shall indicate the goats were examined within 30 days prior to entry and found free of any infectious or communicable disease and that they have not recently been exposed thereto.
Any goats which show lesions of contagious ecthyma (sore mouth) or club lamb fungus disease (sheep ringworm) shall not be exhibited in the state and must be removed immediately from the exhibition area.


No goats which are known to be from an infected or source flock and no progeny of goats known to be from an infected our source flock shall be transported or moved into Illinois except direct to slaughter.


Goats entering Illinois for any reason, including exhibition, from states that are not Accredited Bovine Tuberculosis Free must be accompanied by an entry permit and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection indicating the animals originated from a herd where a complete negative herd test has been conducted within the past 12 months, and the individual animals entering Illinois are negative to a tuberculin test conducted within 30 days prior to entry.

Vesicular stomatitis

All veterinarians issuing Certificates of Veterinary Inspection for livestock including equine, bovine, porcine, caprine, ovine, and cervidae transported into Illinois from any state with a confirmed diagnosis of vesicular stomatitis must include the following statement on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection: "Vesicular stomatitis has not been diagnosed on the premises of origin within the past thirty days. I have examined the premises of origin and have found no signs of vesicular stomatitis."

*** DOGS ***

Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued within 30 days, showing freedom from disease, originate in non rabies quarantined area, and dogs 16 weeks of age and older vaccinated against rabies. Rabies vaccination to have been administered within the time period published in the current Compendium of Animal Rabies Vaccines prepared by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc.

This regulation shall not apply to dogs consigned to hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, or licensed research institutions for research or teaching.

*** CATS ***
No entry requirements.


All psittacine birds entering Illinois must be accompanied by an entry permit and an official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection.


A. All ratites must be negative to a test for Avian influenza within 10 days prior to importation;

B. All ratites must be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued within 30 days by an accredited veterinarian of the state of origin or a veterinarian in the employ of the United States Department of Agriculture indicating that the ratites are free from visible evidence of any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease or exposure thereto;

C. Be permanently identified by means of a leg band, wing band, neck band, or microchip; and

D. Be accompanied by an entry permit issued by the Department. The permit number shall be issued to the veterinarian issuing the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection or the consignor of the ratites. (Telephone number for obtaining permits: 217/782 4944)

  1. Applicant for the permit shall furnish the following information to the department:
    Name and complete post office assigned mailing address of the Illinois destination; Name and address of consignor; and Number of ratites in shipment.
  2. Ratites imported into Illinois must be kept isolated from other ratites or poultry on the premises for a minimum of 14 days.


A. All shipments of poultry or hatching eggs must be accompanied by an entry permit issued by the Department and a label or invoice stating the pullorum typhoid status.

B. All turkeys entering Illinois and not consigned to slaughter must originate from flocks or hatcheries that are officially classified as U.S. Mycoplasma Gallisepticum Clean in accordance with the provisions of the National Poultry Improvement Plan, or be negative to a test for Mycoplasma gallisepticum within 30 days prior to entry. A permit issued by the Department and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued by an accredited veterinarian within 30 days of entry is also required.

C. Hatching eggs shall originate from hatcheries or flocks that are officially classified as U.S. Mycoplasma Gallisepticum Clean.

D. Turkeys and hatching eggs entering Illinois shall be accompanied by a permit issued by the Department and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection which shall indicate either the turkeys are negative to a test for Mycoplasma gallisepticum or they originated from U.S. Mycoplasma Gallisepticum Clean flocks or hatcheries.

Exhibitions, Fairs and Shows

Exhibition requirements are distributed annually to state animal health officials and are published in the livestock premium books of the Illinois State Fair and county fairs held in Illinois.

*** BISON ***


Bison (except calves under 6 months of age, and steers and spayed heifers) may enter Illinois if consigned direct for immediate slaughter to an approved slaughtering establishment and accompanied by a consignment certificate, or if accompanied by an entry permit issued by the Department and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection indicating the bison:

A. Originated from a certified brucellosis free herd with the certified herd number and date of the test shown on the certificate; or

B. Are official female brucellosis vaccinates under 24 months of age; or

C. Were negative to a brucellosis test within 30 days prior to importation.

Illinois does not recognize state status for bison for brucellosis.

Bison for Immediate Slaughter

A. Bison for immediate slaughter accompanied by a consignment certificate and consigned to a recognized slaughtering center may be shipped into Illinois without brucellosis test or Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. Such bison shall not be diverted en route and shall be held under quarantine until slaughtered within 10 days of entry.

B. Bison consigned for immediate slaughter not consigned to a recognized slaughtering center may be shipped into Illinois without brucellosis test if they are accompanied by an official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection OR a special entry permit issued by the Bureau of Animal Health. Such bison shall be held in quarantine and slaughtered within 10 days of entry.

Other Movements

All unvaccinated female bison 6 months of age and older or bulls 18 months of age and older moving through an out of state auction market or marketing center must be accompanied by an entry permit issued by the Department and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection showing a negative test for brucellosis within 30 days prior to entry, regardless of state or herd status. Official brucellosis calfhood vaccinates do not need to be tested until they are 24 months of age.


Bison entering Illinois for any reason other than slaughter and including exhibition must:

A. If originating from an accredited free state, be from an accredited tuberculosis free herd, or the individual animal entering Illinois must have had an individual test within 30 days prior to entry; or

B. If originating from a non-accredited free state, be from a herd where a complete negative herd test has been conducted within the past 12 months, and the individual animals must have had two negative tests within 180 and 30 days prior to entry.

Calves under 6 months of age and steers and spayed heifers may enter Illinois when accompanied by an entry permit issued by the Department and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, or consigned for immediate slaughter to an approved slaughtering establishment accompanied by a consignment certificate.

Other Named Diseases


No cattle or bison infected with or exposed to bluetongue, and no cattle or bison from an area under quarantine because of bluetongue, may be transported or moved into Illinois.

Vesicular stormatitis

All veterinarians issuing Certificates of Veterinary Inspection for livestock including equine, bovine, porcine, caprine, ovine, and cervidae transported into Illinois from any state with a confirmed diagnosis of vesicular stomatitis must include the following statement on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection: "Vesicular stomatitis has not been diagnosed on the premises of origin within the past thirty days. I have examined the premises of origin and have found no signs of vesicular stomatitis."

Exhibition, Fairs and Shows

Exhibition requirements are distributed annually to state animal health officials and are published in the livestock premium books of the Illinois State Fair and county fairs in Illinois.


All llamas and alpacas entering Illinois must be accompanied by an entry permit issued by the Department and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued by an accredited veterinarian issued within 30 days of entry.

*** ELK and DEER***


Cervids can only enter Illinois if they originate from a herd that has been under a Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) monitoring program for at least five years; additions to the herd are natural additions or have been in the herd at least one year; the herd has been under veterinary supervision for at least five years; and complete herd records, including purchases, deaths and causes of death of any member(s) of the herd are maintained for at least five years. The animal(s) must be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection stating that the animals are free of visible evidence of any contagious, infectious or communicable disease and do not originate from a CWD endemic area. An endemic area is defined as any county and surrounding counties where CWD has been diagnosed in the past five years. An entry permit is also required.

A. All cervidae (deer and elk) twelve (12) months of age and over originating from Accredited Tuberculosis Free Areas, shall be negative to two single cervical tests for bovine tuberculosis no less than 90 days apart with the second test conducted within 90 days prior to the movement and were isolated from all other members of the herd during the testing period unless they originate from an accredited, qualified or monitored

  1. Cervids from an accredited herd may be moved into Illinois without further tuberculosis testing provided that they are accompanied by a certificate stating that such cervids originated from an accredited herd.
  2. Cervids originating from qualified or monitored herds may enter Illinois with a negative test within 90 days prior to importation and a certificate stating that the animals originate from a monitored herd. Cervidae originating from Non Accredited Bovine Tuberculosis Free Areas, must originate from a herd where a complete herd test has been conducted within the past year and all animals found negative to a single cervical test using 0. 1 PPD Bovis tuberculin in the midcervical region with reading by observation and palpation at 72 hours, plus or minus 6 hours, and the individual animals entering Illinois were negative to two single cervical tests conducted within 180 and 30 days prior to entry.
    Institutions that have been accredited by the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZAA) are exempt from these requirements when movement is between accredited member facilities. All other movement from AZAA accredited members must comply with these movement requirements.

B. All cervidae must be individually identified by ear tag, microchip or tattoo.

C. An entry permit, in addition to a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, is required for the entry of all cervidae for any purposes. Permit may be obtained by calling (217)782 4944, Monday – Friday between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM.

D. Applicant for entry permit shall furnish the following information to the Illinois Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Health and Welfare:
Number and unique identification of cervidae in shipment; name and address of consignor; name and complete post office assigned mailing address of Illinois consignee; anniversary date and herd certification number of the source herd; and name and telephone number of the herd veterinarian.

E. All cervidae must also be in compliance with the Illinois Wildlife Code.

F. In addition to the above, all elk six months of age and over, shall originate from a certified brucellosis-free herd or be negative to a brucellosis card or PCFIA test conducted within 60 days prior to entry.

Vesicular stomatitis

All veterinarians issuing Certificates of Veterinary Inspection for livestock including equine, bovine, porcine, caprine, ovine, and cervidae transported into Illinois from any state with a confirmed diagnosis of vesicular stomatitis must include the following statement on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection: "Vesicular stomatitis has not been diagnosed on the premises of origin within the past thirty days. I have examined the premises of origin and have found no signs of vesicular stomatitis."


The following are the current health regulations for fish imported into the state of Illinois:

17 ILL. AMD. CODE CH. I, SEC. 870

PART 870


It is unlawful to transport, ship, or convey live trout, salmon, or char into the State unless a salmonid import permit has been issued to the source hatchery, as required by section 10-105 of the Fish and Aquatic Life Code { 515 ILCS 5/10-105}. A copy of the salmonoid import permit must accompany each shipment. A salmonid import permit will be issued only if the source hatchery has been inspected within the last 12 months and found free of , but nit limited to , the following disease agents: VHS – Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus; IHN – Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus; CS - Ceratomyxosis (Ceratomyxa Shasta); PKD – Proliferative Kidney Disease agent; and/or any other disease agents that are not known to be present in the great lakes basin.

A. A Salmonid import permit may be issued for a period of up to 6 months following the inspection of the source hatchery. The salmonid import permit will be reissued of the owner/operator of the source hatchery certifies that there has been no change in the disease status of the hatchery in the 6 month period following the annual inspection. A bill of sale, listing quantity, species, and hatchery of origin shall be provided to and retained by the final recipient of the fish, until the fish are disposed of.

B. The Department recognizes persons inspecting hatcheries using the methods of diagnosis found in “Suggested Procedures for the Detection and Identification of Certain Finfish and Shell fish Pathogens: 4th ed., Version 1 (1994), published by the Fish Health Section of the American Fisheries Society or the “Manual of Compliance to the Fish Health Protection Regulations of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans”, Canada (1998), (no further amendments or editions are included), as competent in the diagnosis of fish diseases, unless a clear cut conflict of interest exists (such as the inspector being related to the hatchery owner by blood, adoption, marriage or economic interest)

*** RABBITS ***
No entry requirements.


For zoo animals, an entry permit and official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection is required insofar as the Illinois Department of Agriculture is concerned. No person may import, carry into, or possess in this state any species of wildlife taken outside of Illinois for the purpose of releasing such wildlife in Illinois without obtaining permission to do so from the director of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
No person shall release, or propagate for release, any Nutria, Myocastor coypus, in this state at any time.
No person shall import, release, hold, possess or engage in raising San Juan (sometimes called European) rabbits or finnraccoons (sometimes called raccoon dogs) (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Illinois.


"Exotic or non-domesticated animals" means mammals (including non-human primates), reptiles and birds that are not native to North America and are not normally maintained livestock (llamas, ratites, cervids and similar animals are considered livestock under this definition) or native mammals that are not domesticated and normally maintained as pets. Not included in this definition are hamsters, guinea pigs and gerbils or any member of the species felis catus that have been domesticated or canis familiaris.

All exotic or non-domestic animals entering Illinois must be accompanied by an entry permit from the Department and an official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued by an accredited veterinarian of the state of origin or by a veterinarian in the employ of the United States Department of Agriculture or by a licensed veterinarian of the country of origin stating the number of animals and species, and, when applicable, age and sex of the animals entering Illinois; be approved by the Animal Health official of the state or country of origin; show that the animals are free from visible evidence of contagious, infectious or communicable diseases; and show the state or country of origin.

No entry requirements.

No entry requirements.

See General Requirements.


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