State Regulations for Connecticut

Health Requirements Reguarding the Importation of Animals
For more information on current regulations please contact:

Dr. Mary J. Lis, State Veterinarian
Bureau of Regulation and Inspection
Connecticut Department of Agriculture
165 Capitol Avenue, Room G-8A
Hartford, Connecticut 06106

PHONE: 860-713-2505
FAX: 860-713-2515
Revised May 28, 2004

The following statement must be on Official Interstate Health Certificates for all horses and livestock (including bison, cervidae, and camelids) entering the state of Connecticut from states where Vesicular Stomatitis (VS) has been confirmed:

"The animals represented on this health certificate have not originated from a premises or area under quarantine for Vesicular Stomatitis. I have examined the animals and have found no signs of Vesicular Stomatitis."


1. Official Interstate Health Certificate Required.

All cattle, buffalos, cervidae, camelids, goats, sheep, swine, equines, ratites, and poultry including chickens, turkeys, guineas, waterfowl and pet zoological or psittacine birds must be accompanied by a copy of an official interstate health certificate. One copy of such certificate, approved by the official having jurisdiction over the disease of domestic animals in the state from which such animals or poultry are shipped or brought, shall be forwarded to the Connecticut State Veterinarian.

2. Prior Import Permit Required.

The official interstate health certificate and all copies thereof shall have included thereon an import permit number obtained from the Commissioner of Agriculture by the consignee. Phone 860-713-2504 between 8:30am and 4:30pm.

3. Exception To Prior Permit Requirement.

All cattle, goats, sheep and swine for immediate slaughter at an official establishment under Federal Inspection are exempt from the permit requirement. All animals for immediate slaughter shall be accompanied by a bill of sale or certificate of assignment made out by the consignor, showing the name of the consignee and the destination. All equine are exempt from prior permit requirements.

4. All Species.

Animals originating in herds or flocks under quarantine, for any reason are not eligible for entry except under permit for immediate slaughter.

*** CATTLE ***

Dairy and Breeding Cattle:

1. All imported female cattle shall be:

a. from certified brucellosis free herds.
b. from negative herds in Class A States.
c. from herds under State-Federal supervision negative to official blood tests within thirty days of exportation of the individual animals.
d. identified by eartag, registration number or registration tattoo.
e. reported to the commissioner in writing within 48 hours of arrival in Connecticut.
f. held in quarantine until released by the Commissioner of Agriculture following required retesting.

2. The following animals, at the time of importation, shall be negative to an official test for brucellosis within 30 days before importation:

a. Bulls and non brucellosis vaccinated female cattle 6 months of age and older.
b. Official calfhood vaccinates 18 months of age and older.
c. Goats over 3 months of age.

Adult vaccinates are not eligible for entry.
Animals vaccinated when more than 359 days of age with diluted brucella abortus vaccine are not eligible for entry.


Dairy and breeding cattle and goats shall be certified as:

  1. from herds negative to a tuberculin test within 12 months prior to entry. The animals to be imported must have been included in the herd test.
  2. if the herds from which animals are to be imported do not meet the 12 month test requirement above, the animals to be imported shall be tuberculin tested within 60 days prior to entry.
  3. animals from herds which have, at any time, been affected with tuberculosis are not eligible for entry.


Steers: Requirements same as for breeding cattle except a test for brucellosis is not required. The official health certificate must indicate a negative test for tuberculosis within 60 days prior to shipment.

Heifers, cows, and bulls: Requirements same as for breeding animals.

Livestock for exhibition: Requirements the same as for breeding animals


An official interstate health certificate within 30 days prior to entry and an official Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) test certificate stating that such equine have been officially tested and found to be negative within a period of 12 months prior to entry is required.

Equine without an EIA certificate, or which tested positive may be shipped into the state for research purposes, or immediate slaughter after obtaining a special permit from the State Veterinarian.

All equines presented for public auction shall have a health certificate issued by a licensed, accredited veterinarian and cosigned by the State Veterinarian within 10 days prior to the auction and a certificate indicating a negative reaction to an EIA test within 60 days prior to the auction.

*** SWINE ***

Swine imported for other than immediate slaughter shall originate in a brucellosis validated free herd and a pseudorabies qualified free herd and if over 3 months of age shall be negative to a blood test for brucellosis and pseudorabies within 30 days of importation (barrows are exempt from the 30 day brucellosis test).

*** SHEEP ***

See General Requirements 1, 2, 4. All sheep must have USDA approved official identification.


Any dog or cat imported into this state shall be accompanied by a certificate of health issued no more than 30 days prior to entry by a licensed veterinarian and approved by the proper livestock sanitary official of the state of its origin, stating that such dog or cat is free from clinical signs of any infectious, contagious or communicable disease, that such dog or cat is not from an area under quarantine for rabies. Any such dog or cat over 3 months of age must have proof of current rabies vaccination given by a veterinarian prior to the date of importation and not have been exposed to rabies within the past 100 days. A copy of such health certificate shall be forwarded promptly to the commissioner. Any person may import, from another state any licensed dog with collar and tag, and keep the same in this state for not more than thirty days without complying with the provision of section 22-337 or 22-338. No person firm or corporation shall import or export for the purposes of sale or offering for sale any dog under the age of eight weeks unless such dog is transported with its dam and no person firm or corporation shall sell within the state any dog or cat under the age of eight weeks. Any person firm or corporation violating the provisions of this section or bring in any dog into this state from an area under quarantine for rabies shall be fined not more than $100.00 or imprisoned not more than 30 days or both.

*** WOLVES ***

Wolves or wolf hybrids are illegal to import into Connecticut.


“Poultry” means all domesticated fowl, including chickens, turkeys, waterfowl and pet, zoological or psittacine birds. Each person, firm or corporation transporting into this state any live poultry shall cause the same to be accompanied by an official health certificate from the state of exportation and a permit issued by the Commissioner of Agriculture in such form as he prescribes, provided each such permit shall state the number of live poultry in each shipment or consignment. The owner, consignee or person having the custody of any such poultry coming into this state shall, within 48 hours, after the arrival of such poultry at its destination, give notice in writing to the commissioner or his authorized agent of the arrival of such poultry, which notice shall include the date of such arrival and the number of poultry therein. Each shipment or consignment of live poultry brought or knowingly allowed to come into the state shall be held in quarantine at its destination unless otherwise ordered by the commissioner, until he causes such poultry to be released or disposed of as herein provided. The expense of quarantine and of examinations and tests shall be paid by the owner, consignee or person having the custody of such poultry before the same is released. The commissioner may cause any of such poultry, found upon examination or test to be diseased; to be killed, and no such poultry so killed shall be sold for food except under the direction of the commissioner. No such poultry imported into this state shall be sold or offered for sale or be permitted to mingle with other poultry until the commissioner has issued a certificate authorizing the release of such poultry. All baby chicks and hatching eggs transported into the state shall be accompanied by a health certificate which certificate shall certify that such chicks or hatching eggs are from a Pullorum free flock. All psittacine birds, except budgerigars, imported into Connecticut to be offered for sale in Connecticut shall remain in quarantine pursuant to this section for a period of not less than seven days. (Sec. 22-325)

*** BISON ***
Same as for cattle.


Negative Axillary Tuberculin test within 60 days and a negative Brucellosis test (card, BAPA or Rivanol) within 30 days at 6 months of age and older, an official health certificate with permanent identification (eartag, tattoo or microchip, shipper must have reader for microchips with animals) and a permit.

*** CERVIDAE ***


Connecticut General Statutes 22-278-6.

*** RABBITS ***

Domestic: See General Requirement 1
Wild: Permit Required Call Dept. of Environmental Protection.

Permit required, Call D.E.P. 860-424-3011

Sec. 26-40a Possession of potentially dangerous animals. For the purposes of this section, the following shall be considered as potentially dangerous animals: the felidae, including the lion, leopard cheetah, jaguar, ocelot, jaguarundi cat, puma, lynx and bobcat; the canidae, including the wolf and coyote and the ursidae, including the black bear, grizzly bear and brown bear. No person shall possess a potentially dangerous animal. Any such animal illegally possessed may be disposed of as determined by the commissioner of environmental protection. Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars for each offense. the provisions of this section shall not apply to municipal parks, zoos and nature centers, or museums laboratories and research facilities maintained by scientific or educational institutions or to persons possessing animals legally on or before May 23, 1983.

See General Requirements 1, 2, 4.

Federal and State Permits Required, Call 860-713-2504

*** RATITES ***
Pullorum and Avian Influenza testing within 30 days and a permit. An official interstate health certificate with permanent identification of each bird listed.



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