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Dấn Thân Corps 2008-2009
Application Available!

Click HERE

Donation: Operation Community
Building Project

NAVASA now accepts donation for our Operation Community Building Project. The Operation will empower the Vietnamese displaced families to recover and rebuild their lives and their communities.  Similar to the Peace Corps, the Operation calls on the young Vietnamese American generation to join NAVASA's National Dan Than ( translates as "Be the Change' ) Corps to assist with the recovery and rebuilding effort.  Dan Than fellows will be trained and deployed to the impacted areas where they will work with the displaced families to access transitional housing and services, as well as to mobilize resources to rebuild their businesses, homes and community support systems. READ MORE about the Operation Community Building project: More information is also available by contacting us via e-mail at navasa@navasa.org or by phone at 301-587-2781.

100% of all donations will go toward the Operation Community Bulding project. 0% will go to administrative costs.

You can conveniently donate to NAVASA via Credit Card or Check. Please be sure to note that your donation is for the Operation Community Building project.

By Credit Card


By Check

Please click on the link below to donate to NAVASA by credit cards.


If you would like to donate by check, please make the check payable to: NAVASA and send it to the address below.

1010 Wayne Avenue, Suite 310
Silver Spring, MD 20910

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Number of visitors as of 07.10.2004

National Alliance of Vietnamese American Service Agencies
1010 Wayne Avenue, Suite 310 | Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 301- 587-2781 | Fax: 301-587-2783 | Email: navasa@navasa.org

© NAVASA 1995-2008 All Rights Reserved


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