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As an alternative to using a single-occupancy vehicle, carpooling involves two to five commuters sharing an employee-owned vehicle. The more people in a carpool, the greater the savings.

Depending on the arrangements made, one person can do all the driving and be reimbursed by the riders. Or driving responsibilities can be shared so that no money needs to change hands.

Employees of a single company may often live near each other, making carpooling very convenient. Some employees may have neighbors who work at different companies located only a short distance apart and have the same work hours.

Register today.  It is fast, easy and convenient.  The more people who sign up, the better the chance for a match.  Click here to begin.

Benefits of Carpooling to Work

  • Save money and time
  • Arrive relaxed and ready to work
  • Arrive to work less stressed
  • Carpooling is a viable option for employees who don't drive
  • Help reduce traffic and pollution 

Other Commuting Resources

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