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About The Design of This Site

Mayor Chávez


Website Stats:

  • 239,704 unique visitors in Oct, 2006
  • Visitors from over 100 countries
  • 98% of our visitors browse in English
  • The website contains over 10,604 pages

As your Mayor, I believe in accessible and responsive government -- That's why the City website is a priority. Finding an answer on our website saves taxpayer resources and makes information accessible from anywhere and at anytime.

The City of Albuquerque website reaches nearly 250,000 unique visitors each month. That's the equivalent of nearly half the population of the entire City. Whether you're here to pay your water bill or find out where Tingley Beach is located, the City website is open for you 24 hours a day.

A website like ours also tells a story.

The information and photos on this website give visitors a taste of what life is like in Albuquerque and also build a sense of pride in our community. A high quality website also sends a message to people that we value innovation, technology, and clear communication.

I hope you find the website easy to use and visually appealing.

Mayor’s Signature

Mayor Chávez

An Award-Winning Website has a long history of leading the way for municipal websites.

Read a full list of awards earned by your city website.

Proud To Support Local Talent was designed by local web professionals, photographers, and other volunteers using cutting-edge techniques that are leading the way for municipal websites.

A Community of Photographers

The photos of Albuquerque used in the banner on have been donated by local photographers who want to share their perspective on our city.


Many thanks to the large community of talented photographers who have shared their work with the City of Albuquerque.

View a full list of photographers.

We Support How You Surf

If you're a web enthusiast, this is the fun part. We're talking about using real data to understand how people interact with our website and more importantly, to help them find what they need. We're talking about web usability. (What is web usability?)

The City's web team uses statistics that tell us how people use For example,

  • 64% of our visitors are using a screen resolution of 1024x768
  • 88% of our visitors are using Internet Explorer
  • 86% of our visitors are using a high-speed internet connection

We take these parameters into account when making decisions about the website. We have tested the design on a variety of screen resolutions, operating systems, and web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. If you find a problem, please let us know.

We use web analytics to make decisions

Using modern web analytics, the City's web team is also able to determine what people are clicking on the homepage. We can see, for instance, that Search and A-Z are the most highly used parts of the homepage.

Web statistics tell us that most visitors come to to find information or solve a problem. In other words, you're here to get stuff done!

Google Analytics

We also use one of the most sophisticated (and free!) web analytics engines available -- Google Analytics -- to determine what people are looking for on the City website. We can also determine the most heavily-used parts of the website as well as navigation paths and more.

For example, the image below shows initial navigation paths; the pages visitors click from the home page of


How We Use Your Feedback:


  • Increase the visiblity of the Search box
  • Remove unused icons
  • Group the items you click most often into a "Quick List" of links

And more! On an ongoing basis, we use web data to make decisions about the City website.

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Official website for the City of Albuquerque