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Office of Refugee Resettlement   Advanced

Annual ORR Reports to Congress - 2002

Executive Summary
The Director’s Message

I. Refugee Resettlement Program


Cuban and Haitian Entrants
Reception and Placement
ORR Assistance and Services

Domestic Resettlement Program
Refugee Appropriations
State-administered Program
  Cash and Medical Assistance
  Social Services
  Targeted Assistance
  Unaccompanied Minors

Wilson/Fish Alternative Program

Matching Grant Program

Partnerships to Improve Employment and Self-Sufficiency Outcomes
Discretionary Grants
  Preventive Health
  Individual Development Account Program
  Targeted Assistance Discretionary Grants
  Technical Assistance
  Microenterprise Development Program
  Community and Family Strengthening and Integration
  ORR Standing Announcement
      Category 1: Preferred Communities
      Category 2: Unanticipated Arrivals
      Category 3: Services for Arriving Refugees with Special Conditions
      Category 4: Ethnic Community Organizations
  Mental Health
  Education Grants
  Elderly Refugees
  Mental Health InterAgency Agreement
  Victims of Torture

Victims of Trafficking
Certification and Eligibility Letters
Grants for Assistance to Victims of Trafficking
Outreach Activities

II. Refugees in the United States

Population Profile
Nationality of U.S. Refugee Population
Geographic Location of Refugees
Secondary Migration

Economic Adjustment

Gauges of Economic Adjustment
Employment Status
Reasons for Not Looking for Work
Work Experience in the Previous Year
Elapsed Time to First Job
Factor Affecting Employment
Earnings and Utilization of Public Assistance
Medical Coverage
Refugee Welfare Utilization
Employment and Welfare Utilization Rates by State

III. The Lost Boys of Sudan

Brief History of Lost Boys
Geographic Location of Lost Boys
Economic Adjustment of Lost Boys
Elapsed Time to First Job
Factors Affecting Employment
Earnings and Utilization of Public Assistance
Medical Coverage
Welfare Utilization
Employment and Welfare Utilization by State

Appendix A:  Tables
Table 1:  Arrivals by Country of Origin, FY 1983-2002
Table 2:  Arrivals by County of Origin and State of Initial Resettlement
Table 3:  Arrivals by State of Initial Resettlement, FY 1983-2002
Table 4:  Arrivals by Country of Origin, FY 2002

Appendix B:  Federal Agency Reports
Department of State
Department of Justice
Office of International and Refugee Health

Table C:  Voluntary Agency Reports
Church World Service
Episcopal Migration Ministries
Ethiopian Community Development Council
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
Immigration and Refugee Services of America
International Rescue Committee              
Iowa Department of Human Services
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
World Relief

Appendix D: FY 2002 Consultation Proceedings

Appendix E: State Coordinators