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ASC @ Sandia

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ASC Program Director
James Peery
(505) 845-9490

ASC Communications
Reeta Garber

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ASC Management

ASC Focus Areas

Software Quality Engineering (SQE)

UQ V&V Seminar Series

2005 PI Meeting Presentations

The following presentations are delivered as either PowerPoint (PPT) or PDF files. The file format is given after the presentation’s title.

Modeling Tsunamis with ASC Codes (PDF)

Galen Gisler, Robert Weaver, LANL; Michael Gittings, SAIC; Charles Mader, Mader Consulting Co.

Sandia Zettaflops Story—A Million Petaflops (PDF)

Erik P. DeBenedictis, Sandia

Compressible Turbulence—Modeling and Simulation: Overview of LLNL/Caltech ASC Center Collaboration (PPT)

Dan Meiron, Caltech ASC Center; Oleg Schilling, LLNL

Collaborations between Caltech’s ASC alliance center and the DP labs (PPT)

Dan Meiron, Caltech

ASC FLASH Collaboration: a Los Alamos Perspective

Los Alamos team members: M. Marr-Lyon, C. Tomkins, K. Prestridge
Additional collaborators: S. Kumar, C. Goodenough, G. Orlicz, R. Benjamin

FLASH Code Validation—LANL Shock-Cylinder Experiment (PPT)

Tomek Plewa, Greg Weirs, Todd Dupont, Vikram Dwarkadas (LANL)

Stanford ASC Center & Stanford/SNL Collaboration

—for Mac OS X (PPT)
—for Windows (PPT)

Parviz Moin, Stanford University; Sheldon Tieszen, Sandia

Void Growth in Materials by Dislocation Mechanisms (PPT)

Roger Minich, LLNL; Petros Sofronis, University of Illinois

Void Growth in Materials by Dislocation Mechanisms (PPT)

D. C. Ahn, F. Xu, P. Sofronis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; R. Minich, LLNL

Thermophysical Properties of PBX-9501 from Multiscale Modeling (PPT)

Grant D. Smith, University of Utah; Tommy Sewell, LANL

Atomistic Studies of Fundamental Properties and Processes: C-SAFE & LANL T-14 Interactions (PPT)

Thomas D. (Tommy) Sewell, LANL

Limited Availability Red Storm User Environment Milestone (PPT)

Jim Handrock, Karen Jefferson, Judy Sturtevant (Sandia)

Red Storm Data Analysis & Visualization Environment (PPT)

Constantine “Dino” Pavlakos, Sandia

I/O and File Systems R&D and Deployment (PPT)

Lee Ward, Sandia; Bill Boas, LLNL; Gary Grider, LANL

 InfiniBand OpenIB Software PathForward Update (PDF)

Matt Leininger, Curt Janssen, Mitch Sukalski (Sandia); Steve Poole, Ron Minnich, Mike Boorman, Rich Graham (LANL); Bill Boas, Mark Seager, Terry Jones (LLNL); Troy Benjegderes (Ames)

Open MPI—Overview (PPT)

Richard L. Graham, LANL

BlueGene/L: Early Application Scaling Results (on the ASC 0.000000009 Zettaflop Computer) (PPT)

Steve Louis and Bronis de Supinski, LLNL

User Tools for BlueGene/L and Purple (PPT)

Scott Futral, LLNL

User Access for BlueGene/L and Purple (PPT)

Jean Shuler, LLNL

Production Linux Capacity Computing at Los Alamos (PPT)

Steven R. Shaw, LANL

Red Storm Rollout Status (PPT)

John P. Noe, Sandia


