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Technology Services, Weights and Measures Division, NIST

Fastener Quality Act (FQA)

The Fastener Quality Act (FQA), Public Law 101-592, was signed by President Bush on November 16, 1990. Since its enactment the FQA has been amended three times (Pub L. 104-113, Pub L. 105-234, and Pub L. 106-34) to further clarify and define the requirements of the original Act.

The Act protects the public safety by: (1) requiring that certain fasteners sold in commerce conform to the specifications to which they are represented to be manufactured,  (2) providing for accreditation of laboratories engaged in fastener testing, and (3) requiring inspection, testing and certification in accordance with standardized methods.

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Contact:  FQA

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Date created: May 2, 2003
Last updated: September 12, 2007

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