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DDR&E Organization
DUSD Science & Technology
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The Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Science and Technology) (DUSD(S&T)) serves as the principal advisor and assistant to the Director of Defense Research and Engineering for all scientific and technical matters.  The DUSD(S&T) is responsible for Applied Research, Advanced Technology Development, and Advanced Component Development and Prototypes.  The DUSD(S&T) is also the senior DoD representative regarding international S&T cooperation.


 Organization Chart
Organization Chart



Defense Technology Analysis (DTA)

High Performance Computing Modernization Office (HPCMO)

Human Social Cultural Behavioral (HSCB)


Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)

Software Engineering Institute (SEI)

Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP)

Trusted Foundry



Email: dusdst@dtic.mil

Address: TBD
