Home > DDR&E Organizations > AS&C
DDR&E Organization
DUSD Advanced Systems & Concepts
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The mission of the Office of Advanced Systems and Concepts (AS&C) is to find, demonstrate, test, transition, and/or transfer the best operational concepts and technology solutions for transformational, joint, and coalition warfare.

AS&C accelerates cutting-edge technologies and concepts to the warfighter by:

  • Speeding the discovery, development, and delivery of technology and concepts for sustained military capabilities with emphasis on capabilities that are innovative, transformational and joint.
  • Partnering with Services, Agencies, and Coalition elements to provide the best capabilities to Joint and Coalition warfighters.
  • Seeking the very best technical and operational concept solutions from Defense, industry and academic sources.
  • Leveraging "try-before-you-buy" demonstrations, exploiting "test-to-procure" initiatives, and forging partnerships to create new technology and operational concept solutions for warfighters.
  • Combining improved business processes to operationalize innovation faster.


 Organization Chart
Organization Chart



Email: asc@dtic.mil

Address: TBD
