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New and Noteworthy
The 2009 CBDP Annual Report to Congress is now available online by clicking Annual Report.
The Executive Summary for 2009 Counterproliferation Program Review Committee Report to Congress is now available online by clicking here.
Registration for the Chemical and Biological Material Effects (CBME) Database is now available online.
bullet The DoD CBRN Defense Doctrine, Training, Leadership, and Education Strategic Plan is now available online by clicking here.
bullet The Chemical Biological Defense Program Strategic Plan is now available online by clicking here.
The 2008-2009 Joint Service Chemical & Biological Defense Program Overview is now available online by clicking here.
The 2007 Transformational Medical Technologies Initiative (TMTI) Report to Congress is now available online by clicking here.
The Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Defense Memorandum of Understanding
(CBR MOU) is now available online by clicking here.
Photo of President Barack Obama

"Our country's greatest military asset is the men and women who wear the uniform of the United States. When we do send our men and women into harm's way, we must also clearly define the mission, prescribe concrete political and military objectives, seek out the advice of our military commanders, evaluate the intelligence, plan accordingly, and ensure that our troops have the resources, support, and equipment they need to protect themselves and fulfill their mission."
Barack Obama, Chicago Foreign Affairs Council,
April 23, 2007

Official Website of the Office of the Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for
Chemical and Biological Defense and Chemical Demilitarization (ODATSD(CBD/CD))
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The content of this page was updated on August 17, 2009
Collage of Chemical Biological Defense Images
Collage of Chemical Biological Defense Images