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DEP DIR, Acquisition Management

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The Deputy Director, Acquisition Management, is responsible for the following:

  • Overseeing the execution of Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) as they proceed through the acquisition milestone decision process from research and development to production and operations and support.
  • Serving as the Executive Secretariat for the Defense Acquisition Board (DAB).
  • Managing the operation of the DAB process to include arranging and attending meetings chaired by the USD(AT&L); preparing and publishing memoranda documenting decisions; and monitoring the implementation of decisions and direction.
    • Acquisition Decision Memoranda (ADM) (DoD Only)
    • Logistics Decision Memoranda (LDM)
    • Capability Decision Memoranda (CDM)
  • Actively participating in and guiding the Integrated Product Team process, which facilitates communication and issue resolution during the acquisition process.
  • Assessing acquisition documents, such as program baselines and acquisition strategies, for statutory and regulatory compliance, and processing the documents for USD(AT&L) approval.
  • Facilitating insight into program performance through the collection and analysis of program cost and schedule information.
  • Managing key acquisition reporting processes, including the Selected Acquisition Reports (SAR) and the Unit Cost Reports.
  • Updating and maintaining the primary acquisition data systems, the Defense Acquisition Management Information Retrieval (DAMIR - DoD Only, Account Required) database and the Consolidated Acquisition Reporting System (CARS).
  • Developing, updating, interpreting, and assisting in implementing acquisition policy (DoD 5000 series documents).
  • Integrating the acquisition process with the requirements generation and Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution processes.
  • Responding to congressional inquires, legislative proposals, and inspection and audit reports. Providing input to congressional testimony and questions for the record.
  • Serving as the USD(AT&L) representative at OSD Cost Analysis Improvement Group program reviews.
  • Serving as the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act representative on the Business Cost Estimating and Financial Management and Acquisition Management functional boards in establishing and monitoring education and training standards.

Acquisition Management Contact Information:

3020 Defense Pentagon - Room 3C959
Washington DC 20301-3020


Commercial Phone: (703) 697-0476

Defense Switching Network (DSN): 227-0476

Fax: (703)-693-7043 or (DSN): 223-7043

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Web Master Phone: 703-604-6350 x108



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