View Public Comment for Potential NCD Topics

Commenter: Jordan, Jack
Organization: Brotherhood of the Balloon
Date: 9/5/2008 4:20:52 PM

CMS Consideration in No Longer Providing Reimbursement for Proton Beam RX for Prostate Cancer.

[PHI Redacted] received proton beam therapy for prostate cancer paid for by Medicare and I am a proponent of Medicare continuing to pay for this treatment. I was fortunate to know someone in the southern California area who brought to my attention the proton beam radiation therapy being offered by Loma Linda University Medical Center in [PHI Redacted]. After considerable research into the modalities of treatment for this disease I concluded that, [PHI Redacted], it was the best treatment available. [PHI Redacted] medical history was one that very strongly discouraged surgery as a good choice. I personally found those who had undertaken other modalities and were suffering many long term side effects. Additionally, when [PHI Redacted] asked urologist about this treatment, because of his having been previously located near Loma Linda, he knew about the proton beam therapy and recommended that [PHI Redacted] pursue this type of therapy. [PHI Redacted]

After about a 9 month to one year period following treatment [PHI Redacted] PSAs fluctuated some (but overall had a downward course; [PHI Redacted] PSAs now for over six years have been below 1.0 and most of those were below 0.1. [PHI Redacted] felt good during treatment and no side effects from it. I think that CMS should give careful consideration to the lack of side effects. Treating undesirable side effects for years can also become very expensive. Certainly consideration should be given to the improved quality of life that the absence of these side effects allows the patient. My vote is for CMS to continue to pay for proton beam readiation for prostate cancer. I hope tha CMS will have at least one or two men on the board making the decision who have had severe and/or chronic side effects of other types of therapy for this disease.

Page Last Modified: 5/30/2008 4:04:40 PM

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