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SLGSafe Insights

Volume 1, Issue 4 – January 2004

Feature Article

Date Set for 2004 SLGS Forum

The date for the next SLGS Forum is set for April 13-14, 2004. Here is your opportunity to meet with Public Debt and Treasury personnel, have your opinions heard, and learn more about the SLGS program. National City Bank in Indianapolis, Indiana is hosting the event. The bank is providing the meeting rooms and break room for all the sessions. The bank is attached to the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Indianapolis.

You may have noticed that we are calling this year's forum a SLGS forum, not just a SLGSafe forum. Since our customer base in SLGSafe is expanding to many different financial types, we decided a broader discussion of SLGS issues is warranted. We will continue to offer an introduction to SLGSafe and some training, if necessary. The forum will now also include more discussion of SLGS regulations changes and policy issues.

The second day of the forum is a half-day and, as in past forums, will emphasize SLGSafe improvements. If you have any ideas about how to enhance SLGSafe, here is your chance to have them heard. We usually only take SLGSafe user suggestions at the forum, and we look forward to hearing your ideas.

Further information about the 2004 SLGS forum will be available on our website in mid-January. A registration page will also be available that you can fill out and fax to us. Registration is free, and we encourage you to sign up early. A tentative agenda will also be posted as soon as possible. There will be information about Indianapolis' hotels, restaurants, shopping, and tourist sites. There's quite a lot to do within walking distance of the bank and hotel, and we look forward to seeing you there!

We are working to have CCTS credits available for attending the forum. Check our website for information about this. We are taking agenda item suggestions. If you have any ideas for sessions or discussion, e-mail us.

If you have any questions about the 2004 SLGS Forum before the web pages are available, give us a call at (304) 480-5299.

Are you merging?

Is your bank merging with another bank? Has your corporate trust office been bought by another bank? If so, there are a few things we need to know. Please keep us informed of any changes to your SLGS cases well in advance of the final switch. If you do not notify us in advance of a bank change, your SLGS interest and maturity payments may be late.

You can informally let us know what's going on by calling or emailing us. However, in order to make changes to your SLGS accounts, we must receive a signed letter on letterhead asking for the cases to be changed. Include the new information and specific Treasury case numbers, unless all the cases are being changed to the same information. We prefer that this information come as soon as possible. We will hold the letter and make the changes on the date you specify. If you have any questions about how to compose the letter, call our customer service specialists at (304) 480-5299.

The information about your SLGSafe users will also change. We must change the ABA identification number for each user and update any address, phone or fax changes. Please make sure you let Tonya or Sue know about any upcoming changes to the users' information. If you use a template (PDF 4144-7), that will have to be updated. Send a new form to the address shown on the 4144-7 with a list of the users who should be attached to this template.

For your information

  • Most maintenance on SLGSafe and its internal SLGS partner, SPSS, is done on Wednesday evenings. Don't be surprised if you get an email forwarded by your access administrator telling you that SLGSafe will be unavailable after 6:00 PM on a particular Wednesday night. If you do have business that you would normally do at that time on SLGSafe, we ask that you try to get it done before SLGSafe goes down or the next day when SLGSafe is restored. ACCESS ADMINISTRATORS: Please forward our emails to your SLGSafe users. If you are a SLGSafe user and you do not receive the notices of the system going down (the last one occurred on Dec. 17, 2003), please contact your access administrator.
  • Happy New Year!
    Special Investments Branch would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy new year! We enjoy working hard and helping you with your SLGS work. While SLGS is our main vocation, we also work with Mortgage Guarantee Tax and Loss Bonds, FHA Debentures, and 5% REA Certificates of Indebtedness. Needless to say, 2004 will be another busy year for us. Happy 2004 from Howard, Dwayne, Ann, Shirley, Vicki, Sandy, JoAnna, Jerry, Brianne, Tonya, and Sue.

SLGSafe Power Tips

Each newsletter we will give you tips on how to use SLGSafe.

  • Getting a new computer? Upgrading your operating system or Internet browser? DON'T GO ANY FURTHER WITHOUT EXPORTING YOUR SLGSafe CERTIFICATE! If you know your computer is going to be changed in any way, it's a good idea to export your certificate onto a disk and then import it back onto the computer after the upgrade. That way your access to SLGSafe will not be compromised. If you lose your certificate in the upgrade, you will have to request a new one through your SLGSafe Access Administrator. It could take up to a week for your new certificate to arrive. If you need help exporting the certificate, call Public Debt's IT Service Desk at (304) 480-7777.
  • If you are having trouble with SLGSafe, the best way to get immediate help is to call Public Debt's IT Service Desk at (304) 480-7777. They are available 24/7 and eager to help. If they cannot help you, they are trained to report your problem to the proper office. If you prefer to email, you can email them at
  • If you need a new certificate, contact your organization's access administrator. The access administrator will then email with your name, address, and the reason for needing a new certificate. We cannot take requests for new certificates over the phone.