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SLGSafe Insights

Volume 4, Issue 1 – April 2007

Feature Article

SLGSafe® Enhancements

In response to suggestions from our SLGSafe customers and industry participants, the Bureau of the Public Debt has made some enhancements to SLGSafe that should make using SLGSafe easier and more fail-safe.  These updates went into effect on April 4, 2007.

The changes are:

  • There is a Logoff SLGSafe button on every page.  On most pages, there will be a logoff button at the bottom of the page, as well as, the left navigation bar.  When you logoff, you will return to the Logon screen.
  • The Submit to Treasury button (which enters your information into our database and provides you with a confirmation) is now located on the Review page.  When inputting or updating a subscription, you must now hit Review, check over the information you provided, and then hit Submit to Treasury.  You cannot transmit information to us without first checking for errors.
  • When entering interest rate data on the Schedule of Securities section of the subscription, the system will first run edits on the interest rate to make sure it is not too high (same as always).  After that edit, the system will then look for any interest rate that is less than the maximum allowed rate.  This forces you to check each interest rate that you have typed in.  If all the interest rates are fine, hit the Confirm button in the pop-up box to continue.

These enhancements will be the last updates to the current version of SLGSafe.  We are currently working on a new internal SLGS system that will interface with an updated version of SLGSafe.  For more about the new system, keep reading.

New Version of SLGSafe Coming Soon

The Special Investments Branch (SIB) is excited to announce we are currently developing a new version of SLGSafe.  We plan to improve upon the success SLGSafe has already achieved by redesigning the look and feel of the application as well as introducing new functionality that will enhance the management of your SLGS portfolio. 

Since its original release in 1999, SLGSafe has provided the SLGS community a safe and convenient way to purchase and manage book-entry SLGS securities.  SLGSafe has served to streamline operations and improve efficiencies for both Treasury and the SLGS community.  To date, SLGSafe has successfully issued over $350 billion in SLGS securities since its introduction.

The release date for the new SLGSafe application is tentatively scheduled for the summer of 2008.  Stay tuned!

Public Debt Unveils a New Website

You may have noticed in the past few weeks that our web pages have undergone a major renovation.  The SLGS securities and other securities that the Special Investments Branch handles have been brought under the TreasuryDirect umbrella.  TreasuryDirect is the brand name of all the securities that the Bureau of the Public Debt manages.  It includes everything from savings bonds and treasuries to the FedInvest system and government trust funds. 

If you go to to find SLGS, enter the Government section (or silo as the web developers call it).  There you will find the welcome page for the Government site.  You’ll notice that the logon to SLGSafe is the first link on the left navigation bar.  If you want to visit our SLGS information pages, click on the SLGS link also found in the left navigation bar. 

Once you reach the main SLGS page, you will find more links about SLGSafe, forms and regulations in the left bar.  Also, keep an eye on the Related Links on the right side of the page.  Of course, the easiest way to find our pages is to use the link,  It will take you directly to the main SLGS page.

SLGSafe Power Tips

For this issue, we decided to revisit some Tips from the past.

Need Help?

If you are in SLGSafe and you have a how-to question, try hitting the HELP button.  Every page in SLGSafe has one.  The HELP button will take you to information that will assist you in filling out the screens or retrieving a report.   As always, if you cannot solve your problem by using the HELP information, you can call us at (304) 480-5299 for assistance.

SLGSafe Waits for No Man (or Woman)

One of the security features of SLGSafe is that it will time-out after 15 minutes.  This means that if you leave SLGSafe up, it will close out after 15 consecutive minutes of inactivity.  If you are typing in information, clicking on links, or at least moving your mouse around on the screen, SLGSafe will not kick you out.  However, you cannot bring SLGSafe up and leave it “open” for the day, like you would your email.  We recommend that you open SLGSafe only when you need to and logoff as soon as you have completed your SLGSafe work.

Say No to Pop-up Blockers (at least in SLGSafe)

As much as we love our Internet pop-up blockers, they are not a good idea in SLGSafe.  Error messages in SLGSafe appear in a pop-up box.  If the pop-ups on your computer are blocked, you cannot see any error messages that may occur.  If you find yourself hitting the “Continue” button but getting nowhere, you’ve got your pop-ups blocked.  There is an error message trying to help you, but it’s being blocked.  Once you remove the block, you should be able to see the message and correct any information that needs fixed.  We suggest you contact your PC support personnel to help you unblock the pop-ups.

Upload Your Schedule of Securities Directly Into SLGSafe

SLGSafe allows you to upload an escrow breakdown XML file from your muni software into SLGSafe.  On the Schedule of Securities page on the Time Deposit Subscription, you will see a button that says, “Upload XML File”.  Hit that button and your file will load into the table of securities.  This saves you from typing in all the security breakdown information again and it minimizes mistakes.  In order to use this feature, your software company may have to upgrade your muni software.  Contact them to discuss your options. 

Having Trouble?

If you are having trouble with SLGSafe, the best way to get immediate help is to call Public Debt’s IT Service Desk at (304) 480-7777.  They are available 24/7 and eager to help.  If they cannot help you, they are trained to report your problem to the proper office.  If you prefer to email, you can email them at

Are you merging?

Is your bank merging with another bank? Has your corporate trust office been bought by another bank? If so, there are a few things we need to know. Please keep us informed of any changes to your SLGS cases well in advance of the final switch. If you do not notify us in advance of a bank change, your SLGS interest and maturity payments may be late.

You can informally let us know what's going on by calling or emailing us. However, in order to make changes to your SLGS accounts, we must receive a signed letter on letterhead asking for the cases to be changed. Include the new information and specific Treasury case numbers, unless all the cases are being changed to the same information. We prefer that this information come as soon as possible. We will hold the letter and make the changes on the date you specify. If you have any questions about how to compose the letter, call us at (304) 480-5299.

The information about your SLGSafe users will also change. We must change the ABA identification number for each user and update any address, phone or fax changes. Please make sure you let Tonya or Sue know about any upcoming changes to the users' information. If you use a template (PDF 4144-7), that will have to be updated. Send a new form to the address shown on the 4144-7 with a list of the users who should be attached to this template.

How Do I fill out these forms?

Do you have a 4144-5, Application for SLGSafe Access, facing you with no earthly idea how to fill it out? Lucky for you, SIB has instructions detailing how to fill out this form, as well as, the 4144-6 (User Acknowledgment) and 4144-7 (Template). That page can be found on our website, Click on the SLGSafe link in the left navigation bar. From there, the instructions page can be found at View Complete Forms Instructions.  Also, all SLGS forms are fillable. By opening the form in its PDF version, you can fill in the information on your computer screen. Just make sure to print the forms and include original signatures before you send them to us.

I Need Fedwire Instructions!  Where are they?

It’s issue day and you need to get your funds into us by 4:00 p.m. ET, but you don’t have any Fedwire instructions.  Don’t panic.  Visit the website, and click on the FAQ link found in the Related Links on the right-hand side of your screen.  Once on the FAQ page, you’ll see a link to “Fedwire Procedures”.  There you will find everything you need to get us the funds.  Of course, we always appreciate it when the funds come sooner rather than later.


Through April 9, 2007:

  • SLGSafe had 277 Organizations online with 1,826 SLGSafe users. 
  • The total SLGS Outstanding was $281 billion.