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NEW! Docket Comments About the EPA's Findings on Greenhouse Gases

NEW! DC Healthy Enviroment Child Care and Preschools Program Begins Second Year

NEW! Atlanta-area Child Care Workers Trained in Enviromental Health

NEW! Climate Disruption & Children's Health
NEW! Internship Opportunities
NEW! Children's Environmental Health Article of the Month


The Children's Environmental Health Network is a national multi-disciplinary organization whose mission is to protect the fetus and the child from environmental health hazards and promote a healthy environment.

To achieve this mission, the Network has had several goals:

  • to promote the development of sound public health and child-focused national policy
  • to stimulate prevention-oriented research
  • to educate health professionals, policy makers and community members in preventive strategies; and
  • to elevate public awareness of environmental hazards to children.

Today, CEHN is the voice of children’s environmental health in the nation’s capitol, one that is uniquely informed by a strong basis in pediatric and environmental health science. 

The Network has been working on the national level since 1992 in the following areas:


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Science:  science and research within children's environmental health as well as conferences and training:
 Community:  national, regional, and local developments and the latest information in the field:

Take our survey
Are you an environmental or pediatric health professional?  If so we are interested in learning more about your involvement in children's environmental health; via this very brief confidential survey:   Please respond.


Children’s Environmental Health Network
110 Maryland Avenue NE, Suite 505, Washington DC, 20002
p 202.543.4033 I f 202.543.8797 I




Guiding Principles for Children and Environmental Health

All children are affected by exposures to environmental hazards. It is our responsibility as a society to enable all children to grow up in a safe and healthful environment.
Because all children are growing and developing, they are uniquely vulnerable to health effects caused by exposure to environmental hazards. The multitude of hazards facing children should be addressed in unison and placed within the context of a child's life.

A child's physical environment is not separate from social and cultural issues. Solutions to environmental problems should be viewed within that context.

Many children live in communities that are disproportionately impacted by environmental exposures. Improving the health and environment of these children should be a major priority.

Healthy children grow into healthy adults.  The health of our children is one of the most important investments that we can make and should be among our top priorities.

Many environmental hazards and pollution know no boundaries. The health of children worldwide is intrinsically linked to the health of our environment. International collaboration, whenever possible, should be sought and encouraged.

Solutions to complex environmental health problems require the efforts of affected communities and many disciplines including science, nursing, medicine, public health, economics, planning, law, and policy. Creative solutions should be reached through inter-disciplinary problem solving and coalition building.