Table 3 Definitions


Type of fishing gear used during the fishing operation


The fisheries management region in which the haul/set occurred

Avg number of cells with sampled hauls/sets per year

The number of cells with sampled hauls is calculated for each year, gear type, and management region. This value is the average of those yearly values by gear type and management region.

Range of the number of cells with sample hauls/sets per year

The number of cells with sampled hauls is calculated for each year, gear type, and management region. This column is the maximum and minimum of the yearly values by gear type and management region.

Range of % of cells available to public per year

The percentage of cells that can be released to the public is calculated for each year, gear type and management region. This column is the maximum and minimum of the yearly values by gear type and management region.

Last Updated 6 - December - 2006