ORNL Neutron Sciences SNS & HFIR Logos



Single Crystal Diffractometer - FAQ

Q. When will the Single Crystal Diffractometer be available?

A. This instrument is scheduled for commissioning early in FY2010.

Q. What types of crystals will be suitable for TOPAZ?

A. The instrument is designed for sample sizes comparable to those used with X-ray diffraction. Samples with unit cells as high as 50 Å will be possible.

Q. How long will it take to gather data?

A. This is dependent on the complexity of the sample structure and unit cell size. However, for a moderately sized unit cell (~30 Å) we are predicting a time on the order of minutes, rather than hours.

Q. What sample environment conditions will be available?

A. Various crystal sample envirments will be available, specifically cryogenic cooling, magnetic fields, and heating. In addition, TOPAZ will accomodate scattering with polarized neutrons.

Updates will be posted as information becomes available.



  Information Contact: Christina Hoffman, Matthew Frost  

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office of Science