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  National Threat Level: Elevated

U.S. Coast Guard
Personnel Service Center

Enlisted Personnel Management Division

 4200 WILSON BLVD STE 1100
 ARLINGTON VA 20598-7200

EPM-2 Branch Chief

CDR Todd Prestidge


Welcome to the U.S. Coast Guard,
Assignments Website.

CGPC-epm-2 Branch Chief “Hot Word
Updated 08 Jun 09

Just as many members are packing up their household goods and reporting to their new unit with their AY09 orders, the AY2010 cycle has already begun. We have just released ALCGENL 075/09: EPM Assignment Year 2010 Sitrep 1, which outlines the timeline for the AY10 transfer cycle. In it you will find guidance on arranging career counseling, command visits, and for submitting command concerns.

ALCGENL 062/09 was released not too long ago and it announces the various locations AOs will visit this summer in presenting our AY2010 Enlisted Assignments Road Show. This presentation is extremely informative and provides mbrs & commands with a rare opportunity to speak directly with an AO. Whether or not you’re tour complete and expecting PCS orders in AY2010, I encourage everyone to attend one of these presentations.

From now until August 31, your AOs are devoting time to address individual career counseling/mentoring. This is the time to call your AO and get your questions answered. Keep in mind, your AOs have significant experience, both in their specialty and as HR Specialists, so I recommend you leverage that knowledge base in order to provide you with the best chance for success in achieving your future career goals and assignment desires.

CDR Todd Prestidge
“Trust is built one decision at a time”