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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI)

Message from Director:

Welcome. Our objective is to make the City a better place to live. We do this by ensuring that City government is efficient, effective, and accountable to the citizens. OIAI believes that positive change is accomplished by offering City government recommendations to continue to excel and improve.


I am proud to work with the team of professionals in OIAI. We strive to improve our skills by being open to ideas and having the attitude that learning is continuous. We invite you to learn about our office and read our reports.


Carmen L. Kavelman



Mission Statement:

To provide independent audits and investigations to promote transparency, accountability, efficiency and effectiveness of City government for the citizens of Albuquerque.


Accountability Government Oversight (AGO) Committee:

The AGO Committee approves all audit and investigation reports. The AGO Committee also conducts the applicant search and makes a recommendation to the City Council on the selection of the OIAI Director. See AGO for more information about the committee.


Calendar of Events:



  • IIA Albuquerque chapter meeting - Jill VonOsten , NM Ethics Alliance - "Ethics - The Economic Stimulus - August 19th IIA Albuquerque Chapter


  • IIA Albuquerque chapter meeting - Eliot Stenzel- "Risk Based Auditing" Gardunos on the Green (Technical - 1 CPE) - September 16th IIA Albuquerque Chapter

Program Strategy:

To enhance public confidence and promote efficiency, effectiveness, accountability and integrity in City government by:

  • Ensuring compliance with City, State and Federal ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations and policies.
  • Recommending operational improvements and service measurement integrity.
  • Investigating complaints of fraud, waste and abuse.
  • Recommending programs/programs which educate and raise the awareness of all City officials and employees.


Who Audits OIAI?


OIAI adheres to Government Auditing Standards (GAS), which are written by the US Government Accountability Office. GAS requires an audit organization performing audits in accordance with generally accepted government audit standards to:

  • Establish a system of quality control that is designed to provide the audit organization with reasonable assurance that the organization and its personnel comply with professional standards

  • Have an external peer review at least once every 3 years

In September 2007, the OIAI passed its first peer review which determined it was in full compliance with Government Auditing Standards - See peer review report. The peer review was conducted the Association of Local Government Auditors (ALGA). This professional association is composed of internal auditors representing city and county governments throughout the country.


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