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Recent Commission Meetings Documents

This page provides a listing of all Commission meetings documents posted to during the past 60 days. Click on a category below for minutes, agendas, or recommendations within that category.

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CFA Documents | Shipstead-Luce Documents | Old Georgetown Documents

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CFA Documents


CFA Agenda 16 July 2009
Agenda of the 16 July 2009 meeting of the Commission of Fine Arts.
(July 24, 2009)

CFA Agenda 18 June 2009
Agenda of the 18 June 2009 meeting of the Commission of Fine Arts.
(June 26, 2009)

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CFA Minutes 18 June 2009
Approved minutes of the 18 June 2009 meeting of the Commission of Fine Arts.
(July 24, 2009)

CFA Minutes 21 May 2009
Approved minutes of the 21 May 2009 meeting of the Commission of Fine Arts.
(June 26, 2009)

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Consent Calendar

Consent Calendar 16 July 2009
Consent Calendar for 16 July 2009.
(July 24, 2009)

Consent Calendar 18 June 2009
Consent Calendar for 18 June 2009.
(June 23, 2009)

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Adams Morgan Public Art
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for public art proposed in Adams Morgan at 18th Street and Columbia Road, NW, dated 24 July 2009.
(July 24, 2009)

American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for the inscriptions and artwork proposed for the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial, dated 24 July 2009.
(July 24, 2009)

Edmund Moy Medal
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for the proposed Edmund C. Moy Medal, dated 24 July 2009.
(July 24, 2009)

Federal Reserve / Martin Building
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for additions and alterations proposed for the Federal Reserve's William McChesney Martin, Jr. Building, dated 24 July 2009.
(July 24, 2009)

Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool and Grounds
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for the proposed rehabilitation of the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool and landscaping of the grounds, dated 24 July 2009.
(July 24, 2009)

Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Library
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for the revised addition and renovations proposed for the Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Library, dated 24 July 2009.
(July 24, 2009)

National Archives Building Signs
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for signs proposed for the National Archives Building, dated 24 July 2009.
(July 24, 2009)

New York Avenue Public Art
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for public art proposed for the New York Avenue median between 9th and 13th Streets, NW, dated 24 July 2009.
(July 24, 2009)

Watterston House
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for an addition and alterations proposed for the National Indian Gaming Association, dated 24 July 2009.
(July 24, 2009)

West Potomac Park Levee
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for phase II of the proposed West Potomac Park Levee, dated 24 July 2009.
(July 24, 2009)

Boy Scouts Centennial Commemorative Coin Program
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for the proposed 2010 one-dollar silver coin commemorating the centennial of the Boy Scouts of America, dated dd June 2009.
(June 26, 2009)

Honolulu National Memorial Accessibility
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for the proposed alterations and additions to the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii, dated dd June 2009.
(June 26, 2009)

Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Perimeter Security
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for the proposed perimeter security elements for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial, dated dd June 2009.
(June 26, 2009)

Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Library
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for the revised concept for the renovation proposed for the Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Library, dated dd June 2009.
(June 26, 2009)

Pedestrian Guide Sign Program for the National Mall
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for the color selection proposed for the National Mall Pedestrian Guide Sign Program, dated dd June 2009.
(June 26, 2009)

Veterans Affairs Medical Center Fisher House
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for the proposed new Fisher House at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, dated dd June 2009.
(June 26, 2009)

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Shipstead-Luce Documents


Shipstead-Luce Appendix 16 July 2009
Shipstead-Luce Appendix for 16 July 2009.
(July 24, 2009)

Shipstead-Luce Appendix 18 June 2009
Shipstead-Luce Appendix for 18 June 2009.
(June 23, 2009)

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Watterston House
Letter from the Commission of Fine Arts detailing their recommendation for an addition and alterations proposed for the National Indian Gaming Association, dated 24 July 2009.
(July 24, 2009)

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Old Georgetown Documents


Old Georgetown Board Meeting Agenda 2 July 2009
Old Georgetown Board Meeting Draft Agenda for 2 July 2009.
(July 1, 2009)

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Old Georgetown Appendix 16 July 2009
Old Georgetown Appendix for 16 July 2009.
(August 5, 2009)

Old Georgetown Appendix 18 June 2009
Old Georgetown Appendix for 18 June 2009.
(July 1, 2009)

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There are currently no Old Georgetown Recommendations.

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Last Modified: August 5, 2009