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Women's Health

Women face unique health problems related to many of NIAID’s mission areas—specifically, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and autoimmune disorders. Many infectious and autoimmune diseases affect female populations disproportionately. For example, genital herpes from herpes simplex virus 2 is nearly twice as common among women as among men. Likewise, women account for more cases of chlamydia, lupus, and scleroderma than do men.

NIAID works to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases that affect women.

  • What diseases affect women uniquely?
  • NIAID’s role in women’s health research
  • Biennial Report on Women’s Health Research, 2007-2008 (PDF)
  • Progress in Autoimmune Disease Research (PDF)
  • Topical Microbicides: Preventing Sexually Transmitted Diseases (PDF)
  • Even diseases that strike men and women in near equal numbers may have unique consequences or complications for women. For instance, women with HIV are at higher risk of severe cases of gynecological problems, such as chlamydia or bacterial vaginosis, than are non-infected women. Women also risk passing some of these diseases to children during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

    NIAID is committed to research that helps reduce the incidence and improve the treatment of infectious and autoimmune diseases affecting women. Its efforts have led to the development of better drugs for HIV/AIDS, rapid diagnostics for STIs, and initiatives funding research into the causes of autoimmune diseases that disproportionately affect women.

    News and Events 

    Experimental Vaccine Shows Promise in Preventing Cytomegalovirus Infection–March 18, 2009

    National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day–March 10, 2009

    Anti-HIV Gel Shows Promise in Large-scale Study in Women–Feb. 9, 2009

    Volunteer for Clinical Studies
    Volunteer for NIAID-funded clinical studies related to women's health on

    Research Feature

    photo of an African woman
    Women and girls account for nearly half of all people living with HIV, according to UNAIDS estimates. Read Clinical Trials Network Evaluates Microbicides to Reduce Spread of HIV.

    Related Links

    View a list of links for more information about women's health.

    Volunteer for Clinical Studies
    Volunteer for NIAID-funded clinical studies related to women's health on

    Research Feature

    photo of an African woman
    Women and girls account for nearly half of all people living with HIV, according to UNAIDS estimates. Read Clinical Trials Network Evaluates Microbicides to Reduce Spread of HIV.

    Related Links

    View a list of links for more information about women's health.