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Mycobacterial Diseases

There are more than 70 species of mycobacteria, rod-shaped bacteria with waxy outer coats that can be found throughout the world. Tuberculosis and leprosy (Hansen’s disease) are the best known mycobacterial diseases. People may also be infected by any of a group of mycobacterial species collectively called non-tuberculous mycobacteria. While tuberculosis and leprosy are most common in resource-limited countries, non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections occur worldwide.

NIAID's Role in Mycobacterial Research

NIAID research on mycobacteria is leading to new or improved ways to diagnose, treat or prevent tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases.

NIAID-supported scientists are conducting research on:

  • the biology of mycobacteria species that cause human disease
  • how mycobacterial diseases develop in the body
  • interactions between the human immune system and mycobacteria
  • immunology of and host response to infections and disease
  • epidemiology of mycobacterial diseases

NIAID researchers also:

  • develop animal models that mimic human mycobacterial disease
  • devise laboratory tests (assays) for such purposes as rapid diagnosis of infection
  • create molecular, immunological, biochemical and genetic tools
  • conduct clinical studies of new therapies and other interventions in adults and children, including those co-infected with other diseases, such as HIV/AIDS.

For Researchers:


Laboratory of Clinical Infectious Diseases, Tuberculosis Research Section

Laboratory of Clinical Infectious Diseases Immunopathogenesis Section

International Center of Excellence in Research (ICER) Collaboration in Chennai/India (Non-government)

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Research Feature

Mycobacterium leprae
NIAID-supported researchers have identified what they believe is a new species of mycobacterium, which could be involved in a sometimes fatal form of leprosy. Read New species of leprosy-causing bacterium identified through genetic fingerprinting.

See Also

  • Tuberculosis
  • Leprosy (Hansen's Disease)

  • Research Feature

    Mycobacterium leprae
    NIAID-supported researchers have identified what they believe is a new species of mycobacterium, which could be involved in a sometimes fatal form of leprosy. Read New species of leprosy-causing bacterium identified through genetic fingerprinting.

    See Also

  • Tuberculosis
  • Leprosy (Hansen's Disease)