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Office Of International Affairs

Treasury International Capital System

Estimated Principal Repayments for Asset-backed Securities (ABS), including mortgage-backed securities (MBS)

The Adjustment Data. Also in (CSV) format.


Methodology used to estimate the adjustments. PDF icon (PDF) (01/23/07). To view or print the PDF content on this page, download the free Adobe® Acrobat® Reader®.

The TIC Form S gathers data, primarily from securities brokers and dealers, on cross-border purchases, sales, and redemptions of long-term securities. However, it does not capture the periodic (often monthly) principal payments that are distributed to holders of asset-backed securities (ABS) prior to redemption.

Use of the TIC Form S data without considering the effect of these principal payments may lead to a significant overestimate of foreign net purchases of U.S. securities. To assist TIC users, FRBNY provides estimated monthly ABS principal payments to foreign holders. The first release was on November 17, 2003, for the period July 2002 - September 2003.

NEW Revisions of April 2009, for July 2007-February 2009

Using the Report of Foreign Holdings of U.S. Securities as of June 2008 (TIC Form SHL(A)) data as a baseline, revised estimates of asset backed securities (ABS) prepayments from July 2008 - February 2009 have been compiled. The results show that on average, Agency ABS prepayments were previously underestimated by about $271 million per month and corporate ABS prepayments were overestimated by about $455 million per month.

In addition to these revisions, the breakout of the Foreign Official Organizations (FOI) Agency ABS "of which" category was also adjusted to reflect the most current holdings ratio (this estimate is a subset of, not an addition to, the agency ABS repayment estimates). The percentage of FOI agency ABS holdings is calculated directly from the Form SHL(A) data.

These revisions are based on the following factors: (1) foreign holdings of Agency asset-backed securities increased more than expected during this period (2) foreign holdings of corporate assets-backed securities decreased more than expected (3) the percentage of Foreign Official Institutions (FOI) agency ABS holdings increased relative to overall agency ABS holdings (FOI holdings accounted for 57% of overall Agency ABS holdings as of June 2008, compared with 42% as of June 2007) and (4) the identification procedures relating to ABS asset-class and issuer breakouts were improved upon by further developing cross-referencing techniques among multiple databases. The accompanying chart shows the revised monthly prepayments, as compared with the previous estimates.

NEW The accompanying table (04/30/09) shows the revised monthly prepayments, as compared with the previous estimates. From July 2007 - June 2008, interpolation was used to estimate the increase in foreign-held ABS securities, based on the known holdings as of June 2007 and 2008. Estimates for the July 2008 - February 2009 Agency ABS were revised based on the higher share of holdings observed in June 2008 with the assumption that foreign holdings of Agency ABS will continue to decline reflecting current market conditions. Estimates for the July 2007 - February 2008 Corporate ABS were revised based on the lower share of holdings observed in June 2008, with the assumption that foreign holdings of Corporate ABS will also decline reflecting current market conditions.

For further details, see the note above on "Methodology." Estimates for future months will be published at the time of the release of the TIC Form S data. (No adjustment is made for principal payments on U.S. holdings of foreign ABS because these holdings currently are very small).

Examples of how the adjustments can be made

The estimated adjustments can be applied to the aggregate total data for “U.S. Transactions with Foreigners in Long-Term Securities.” Separate adjustments are provided for “U.S. Government Corporation and Federally-sponsored agency bonds” and for “U.S. corporate and other bonds.” Adjustments are not estimated for geographic regions or countries.

Data for December 2004 are used to illustrate how the data for adjustments can be used. Repayments of principal on U.S. agency and corporate ABS are the equivalent of sales by foreigners of these U.S. securities. Thus, including U.S. agency ABS principal repayments would reduce reported net purchases of long-term agency securities in December 2004 from $26,607 million to $22,048 million. Accounting for U.S. corporate ABS principal repayments in December 2004 would reduce reported net purchases of long-term corporate securities from $40,948 million to $37,707 million.

Revisions: April 2008 for July 2006-February 2008.
September 2007 for July 2005-June 2007.
August 2006 for July 2004-May 2006.
September 2005 for July 2002-June 2005.

Last Updated: April 30, 2009


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